
Showing posts from January, 2023


Going to walk the red carpet, the dress must be the first consideration. Chu Yao did not form a complete team, and according to her coffee position, there was no brand or studio that would take the initiative to lend her dresses. When Lu Xingzhou was Chen Cheng's agent, he used to cooperate with several well-known designers and studios, but when Chen Cheng switched to Chen Xing, she also took away these fashion resources. Regarding this dress, Lu Xingzhou is ready to contact the previous resources. But what was surprising was that Wu You, whom Chu Yao had just worked with some time ago, took the initiative to match up and borrowed a set of ME dress for Chu Yao, which was also a surprise. Another artist under Lu Xingzhou's team, Tian Xin, starred in a web drama that was broadcast on the National Arts Video website, so she was also invited to the National Arts Red Carpet Ceremony this time. Chu Yao and Tian Xin met in the lounge of the Red Carpet Ceremony. Lu Xin


Chu Yao's finale scene was extremely vigorous and left a deep impression on many people. The director had been thinking about Chu Yao's textbook-like acting skills, so he recommended an audition to Chu Yao. This audition was still a movie, and the director Wang Quan was also a well-known director of commercial films in the circle. From part of the script given to Chu Yao, this time the character is set to be a female killer. The surface is delicate enough to confuse opponents, but the heart is cold-blooded and ruthless. Just looking at the superficial character design, it actually looks quite similar to Shuang Bai. Chu Yao actually doesn't like this character, the character is too flat and there is no sense of surprise. But she is poor, she is so vulgar, and she bows down for five buckets of rice. The investment in this movie is huge, so the salary is quite a lot. For Chu Yao, who is now so poor that she can hardly lift the lid, she can try it. After all, she i


This charcoal fire play is Chu Yao's one-man show, and it is also the role of Shuang Bai where the twist of her character is. There is a big contrast between the frail and cuteness in the front and the tenacity when walking the charcoal fire road. If done well, it will make the audience cry. If the performance is not good, it will become the object of inventory by the major gossip masters of the year. Chu Yao heard that Ren Bing asked the screenwriter to change this scene. It seems that the original story came about because of the tragic death, and how it was difficult to act so it was edited. As far as this matter is concerned, Chu Yao really wants to say to Ren Bing... Thank you! Chu Yao also thought about how to die so that she can look good and be entertaining, and she has done a lot of homework. She dug up and watched all the videos of walking the charcoal fire road in TV dramas in the past five years. As a result, it abruptly turned into a complaint meeting between h


In "Chang'an Moonlight", the role of Cousin Shuang Bai occupies a lot of space, so Chu Yao's part is almost finished, and her last scene can be filmed before the end of today. The cousin officially receives the box lunch. When filming before, it may be because most of the crew members belonged to Chentian. And because of the quarrel between Chu Yao and Ren Bing, although Chu Yao got along well with the crew, there was still a thin film between them. But since the TV series aired last night, when Chu Yao joined the group again today, she found that these people looked at her differently. Liu Changze resolved this matter for her. Early in the morning, Liu Changze stuffed Chu Yao with a large box of fried wontons and a large bottle of hot soy milk, and said helplessly to Chu Yao, "You don't know that my mother chased "Chang'an Moonlight" yesterday and became your super fan girl! She just asked me to bring these to you... Hey, this diff


Cousin Bailianhua's appearance is approaching at the end of the year, and time flies very fast. Chu Yao's time on the set of "Chang'an Moonlight" passed by even more quickly. The scene of her cousin she filmed before will be broadcast simultaneously on satellite TV and online platforms today. As the protagonist, Liu Changze is actually a loyal fan of "Chang'an Moonlight". The main reason why he took over the role in this drama was that he was a fan of this book. So he will never miss every update of "Chang'an Moonlight". Tonight happens to be New Year's Eve, and he and his family spend New Year's Eve together. Compared with his updates as a book fan, his parents have a more enthusiastic attitude towards the drama "Chang'an Moonlight", after all, his son is the leading actor. The two parents who were still playing around, when they heard the familiar sound of the theme song, they immediately sat down. 


He Chengyi entered the studio here. It can be seen that he is in a good mood today, several ME staff members came up to ask for autographs and group photos, and He Chengyi agreed one by one. It was the first time that He Chengyi encountered an unprecedented cold reception. Since he entered the studio today, no one has discovered his existence. The person in charge and the staff present did not notice anyone coming in, and they were all immersed in the filming work of this issue. He Chengyi didn't care, he just stood aside and watched. Chu Yao has been filming for a while. Chu Yao's camera sense is very good, as if she was a natural darling under the spotlight, being doted on by all the cameras. Chu Yao at work is the real Chu Yao, and the charm she radiates fascinates everyone. Sometimes she laughs loudly, showing her white teeth. That smile is very contagious and dispels all the haze. Sometimes there was a head tilting killing, which was so cute that people


Next to the big photo shoot of ME make-up, this is the first announcement that Chu Yao has received since her rebirth. Thinking about it, she is a little excited! However, as a superstar queen, she has seen the big world, so keep a low profile! ME is a well-known international luxury brand. It started out as a high-end dress, and later it has a cosmetics line. When Chu Yao was still Chu Yaoyao, ME was already a top brand in the world, and Chu Yaoyao used to be its full-line spokesperson. Chu Yaoyao once had a 20-second movie clip of wearing ME lipstick in "Resurrection", which became a classic, and ME makeup was once sold out. ME and Chu Yaoyao used to be regarded as mutual achievements. The address of the ME headquarters has not changed, but the main building has changed, occupying a building in the center of City S, which also shows that ME is so aggressive! Chu Yao and Lu Xingzhou took the elevator upstairs, there were quite a lot of people in this elevato


Before Christmas at the end of the year, the crew of "Actor" gave the audience a Christmas gift - the first trailer of "Actor". And announced the premiere time, scheduled for New Year's Day. The biggest gimmick used by "Actor" at the beginning of its promotion was that the mentor invited He Chengyi and Chen Yushuang. One is the most expensive young actor in the entertainment industry, with countless fans. One is the actress of the century who is already in a half-life state, full of charm. Coupled with countless flow of fresh meat and Xiaohuadan. There is almost no need to stir up this popularity, and it directly comes with a lot of traffic and topics. Wu Xingxing is He Chengyi's die-hard fan and brain-dead fan, which even led their family to fall in love with He Chengyi. Wu Xingxing used to be a fan of a popular fresh meat, but after that fresh meat was caught as a prostitute, his career flopped all the way, and he was found in the entert


New Year bonus chapters 5/5 ********* Like a person that was watching a movie, Chu Yao stopped immediately when she saw that there were melons to eat. As soon as Ren Bing saw Tang Mingyuan, the person who bared her teeth and claws just now didn't seem to be her at all. Ren Bing stared at Tang Mingyuan with red eyes, "Tang Mingyuan, if you don't give me an explanation today, we will break up!" Tang Mingyuan has a good appearance, and he has the name of a national school crush since his debut. He is so handsome and elegant. Girls seem to like him a lot. Chu Yao felt that in the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan, although Ren Bing had a good family background, Tang Mingyuan played the leading role. Tang Mingyuan frowned involuntarily as he watched the group of people watching the show, and endured his impatience with Ren Bing. There was a gentle, helpless and tolerant smile on Tang Mingyuan's face, "This is a misunderstanding. It's


New Year bonus chapters 4/5 ******** Today is the winter solstice. Early in the morning when Chu Yao opened the window, she saw the white snow outside the window, and the cold wind from the south was blowing down her neck like a knife. She quickly closed the window. After Chu Yao washed up quickly, she went to the kitchen to make dumplings. Chu Yao was quick in movement and superb in cooking. The news in the red envelope group didn't stop early in the morning. Chu Yao heard that today is also an important festival on the interstellar side, and it is inevitable to visit relatives and friends on interstellar festivals. While pinching the dumplings, Chu Yao watched the news in the group. [Group Leader mastermind 001]: @All members, happy holidays~【/Shy face】 [Screenwriter Li Baibai]: I finally see you for a long time, the mastermind will also be cute! After a long life, the mastermind is openly acting cute! [Group Leader mastermind 001]: @Scriptwriter Li Baiba


New Year bonus chapters 3/5 ********* Qin Fang is a loyal fan of the novel "Chang'an Moonlight". As a brain-dead book fan, she must call the protagonists Chu Yongyan and Jian Rong! For the ending that the two of them BE and were not together, she has super deep resentment. So Qin Fang hates the role of Bailianhua's cousin Shuang Bai so much. No matter how the novel is adapted, book fans will always feel that the film and television drama adaptation is not good. There are a lot of praises for "Chang'an Moonlight" on the Internet, but Qin Fang still feels that the adaptation is so-so. In the process of chasing the drama, Qin Fang was attracted by Liu Changze, who played Chu Yongyan, and became one of many fans. She has never missed the TV series update of "Changan Moonlight" every week. Qin Fang, who is familiar with the original work, of course knows that his cousin will appear in the latest episode! How much does Qin Fang hate the role