In "Chang'an Moonlight", the role of Cousin Shuang Bai occupies a lot of space, so Chu Yao's part is almost finished, and her last scene can be filmed before the end of today. The cousin officially receives the box lunch.

When filming before, it may be because most of the crew members belonged to Chentian. And because of the quarrel between Chu Yao and Ren Bing, although Chu Yao got along well with the crew, there was still a thin film between them.

But since the TV series aired last night, when Chu Yao joined the group again today, she found that these people looked at her differently. Liu Changze resolved this matter for her.

Early in the morning, Liu Changze stuffed Chu Yao with a large box of fried wontons and a large bottle of hot soy milk, and said helplessly to Chu Yao, "You don't know that my mother chased "Chang'an Moonlight" yesterday and became your super fan girl! She just asked me to bring these to you... Hey, this differential treatment makes me feel like I was adopted."

Chu Yao couldn't help laughing at what he said.

Later, during the gap between the lines, Liu Changze couldn't help but whisper to Chu Yao, "Do you think the crew members look at you a little differently today?"

Chu Yao glanced at Liu Changze lightly... Hey, This kid is still the roundworm in her stomach!

Liu Changze said in a gossipy tone, "The ratings came out last night, and they skyrocketed to 2.35, which is the highest ratings since "Chang'an Moonlight" started broadcasting. You know that the average ratings of weekly dramas are not too high. Before "Chang'an Moonlight" has the highest ratings of 1.7, which has increased by several points... I heard from my agent that the ratings seem to have increased after Shuang Bai's appearance."

As he spoke, Liu Changze blinked his eyes. Looking at Chu Yao sincerely, Chu Yao's scalp felt numb when he looked directly at her, "Just tell me what you have to say? It makes me feel sick when you look at me with such eyes, and it will be a waste of Aunt Liu's heart to spit it out later in the morning." 

With a heartbroken look on his face, Liu Changze moved closer to Chu Yao, "Of course I want to hug your thigh. Remember to take me with you when you ascend to heaven, so that I can also experience the feeling of ascension to heaven." 

The popularity she had to the audience is really amazing. Some actors have acted in several popular dramas, but the drama celebrities are not popular, and the audience can't remember her. After some celebrities play a villain role, the audience will always remember this role with hatred, and they will scold her for everything they watch. Some celebrities can't be popular even if they die, and they use the best resources to hit her, without making a splash.

As for the actors who are really popular with the audience, the audience likes to watch whatever they play, whether it is a vicious villain or Wei Guangzheng, the audience will buy it. People who are really popular with the audience, the ratings of TV dramas and TV dramas soared, and the box office of movies and movies exploded. And now the Huaxia entertainment industry lacks this kind of actors who are popular with audiences. They can be counted on five fingers, and He Chengyi probably counts as one. Now that Chu Yao is making her debut for the first time, he can vaguely see this kind of potential in her.

Maybe Chu Yao will ascend to the ascension one day, so everyone should be a little more polite to her.

After Liu Changze's words, Chu Yao understood the changes in the production staff today, and they probably got some news from the senior management of the production team.

Lu Xingzhou's news is relatively outdated, he only called to tell Chu Yao about it at noon.

As soon as Chu Yao heard Lu Xingzhou's voice, he felt that he should be in a very embarrassing mood at the moment, "The ratings of "Chang'an Moonlight" came out last night, and the growth point was when you appeared. Chu Yao, let's work harder to make a comeback!"

Chu Yao has not been in the entertainment circle for a long time, and she walked step by step, and it was Lu Xingzhou who watched her walk step by step. Lu Xingzhou's personality has changed drastically since some incidents, and he has lost his momentum, unlike the ambitious economic teams that are popular now. But at the same time, Lu Xingzhou also changed his mentality to be very tolerant and gentle, and he knew how to think about problems from the perspective of others. Therefore, other managers would have given up on the original owner's previous situation, but Lu Xingzhou did not give up on the original owner and encouraged her... This is what made Chu Yao feel very emotional.

Judging from the lag of Lu Xingzhou's news today, he was also quite miserable in Chentian, and almost no resources were allocated to Lu Xingzhou. Like Chu Yao, Lu Xingzhou is already an abandoned son of Chentian, and now occasionally throwing some meat to them is more of a teasing mentality than a nurturing mentality.

Chu Yao sneered in her heart, sooner or later she would leave Chentian, this place where the original owner's skin was stripped off.

On the phone, Chu Yao happily joked with Lu Xingzhou, "I'm not a salted fish! I'm a golden thigh, Brother Lu, do you want to hug my thigh...I'll take you to heaven~" Chu Yao said, the tone was full of teasing and joking.

Lu Xingzhou was amused by Chu Yao and laughed out loud. Chu Yao was taken aback, as if she had never heard Lu Xingzhou's joyful laughter before. Lu Xingzhou's expression was gentle and slightly gloomy, and even when he smiled, the smile in his eyes was very shallow. This time he burst out laughing, with a pleasant, hearty voice in the magnetic laughter.

Chu Yao, who was deeply voice-controlled, was fascinated again, and joked, "Brother Lu, you really should smile more. You look ten years less when you smile. You are three years older than me and look just like my uncle."

Lu Xingzhou's furious voice immediately came from the other side of the phone. He gritted his teeth and said, "Chu! Yao!! Who do you say is your uncle????!" 

Chu Yao immediately hung up the phone and stayed away from the Lion's Roar from Lu Xingzhou...

The filming in the morning went smoothly. In the afternoon, after Chu Yao re-shot some previous shots, she officially entered the highlight of the day - receiving the bento.

In the original book, the part where Chu Yongyan was framed and his family fell into ruin, and Shuang Bai died in order to save him did not spend a lot of pen and ink on the description. But for the sake of dramatic conflict, this episode was re-created in more detail when filming film and television dramas.

Because of political struggle, Chu Yongyan's family was framed by Prime Minister Jian. Because Prime Minister Jian's eldest son once molested Shuang Bai, Chu Yongyan cut off his hand. Prime Minister Jian harbored a grudge to avenge his personal revenge, and lynched Chu Yongyan in prison, intending to break his two arms to avenge his eldest son.

In order to beg Prime Minister Jian to let Chu Yongyan go, Shuang Bai was humiliated regardless of her dignity, and Jian Cheng hated Shuang Bai even more, but it was a pity that she was not guilty this time. Prime Minister Jian made a request that if Shuang Bai could walk barefoot through a burning charcoal road, he would let Chu Yongyan go, only breaking his right hand.

Shuang Bai agreed with a smile. She, a frail and sickly weak woman, walked through the charcoal fire road extremely tragically. Even Prime Minister Jian, who watched the theater, was shocked by her tenacity and bravery...

Whenever Chu Yao uniquely read this script, she couldn't help but feel her scalp tingling, she couldn't even imagine how tragic it was, okay? The screenwriter who wrote this scene is simply a master of the show, and Chu Yao admires it for spreading dog blood like this...


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