Cousin Bailianhua's appearance is approaching at the end of the year, and time flies very fast. Chu Yao's time on the set of "Chang'an Moonlight" passed by even more quickly. The scene of her cousin she filmed before will be broadcast simultaneously on satellite TV and online platforms today.

As the protagonist, Liu Changze is actually a loyal fan of "Chang'an Moonlight". The main reason why he took over the role in this drama was that he was a fan of this book. So he will never miss every update of "Chang'an Moonlight".

Tonight happens to be New Year's Eve, and he and his family spend New Year's Eve together. Compared with his updates as a book fan, his parents have a more enthusiastic attitude towards the drama "Chang'an Moonlight", after all, his son is the leading actor.

The two parents who were still playing around, when they heard the familiar sound of the theme song, they immediately sat down. 

Mommy Liu suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Are you going to put your cousin Shuang Bai on stage tonight? I saw that many people on the Internet scolded this character. Such a little girl shouldn't be scolded all the time, you know?" Try to persuade others."

Liu Changze thought of Chu Yao who gave him a good look every minute after entering the play, and couldn't help his scalp tingling, and said with a dry smile, "The actor who plays the role of Shuang Bai has very good acting skills, and the audience will not be willing to scold her."

Mother Liu shook her head and said, "Not necessarily, I don't think those netizens on the Internet are so easy to talk about. The better the little girl is, the more they scold her... Those internet trolls scolded you before." Mother Liu said with a distressed expression.

Liu Changze also had a headache when he heard his mother's words, and couldn't bear to refute.

When the TV series started, Mother Liu immediately ended the topic, staring blankly at the TV screen without blinking.

The plot of "Chang'an Moonlight" is progressing to the point where Chu Yongyan and Jian Rong have conflicts, and Chu Yongyan also encountered the most difficult mystery in history, and the wind and cold broke his body again. After Chu Yongyan lay on the hospital bed for a few days, he returned to the dilapidated Chu Mansion that he hadn't set foot in for several years.

Chu Yongyan seems to have fallen into the memories of the past, the time when the family reunited happily, the gentle exhortations of his mother, the strict teaching of his father... and his little green plum, as gentle as water.

When he was young, Chu Yongyan accompanied his cousin to read and write, he danced the sword and she played the flute, they went to the lantern festival together, and they swept the snow and made tea together. In this scene, Shuang Bai's image gradually formed and became three-dimensional, she is a gentle girl, delicate and cute but not squeamish. She will be sad for a month because her little rabbit died. She would also jump up and down because Chu Yongyan won the first place.

A girl like Shuang Bai is gentle, with exquisite seven orifices, and her thoughts are crystal clear like ice and snow. How can anyone not like a girl who can't wait to be held in the palm of one's hand and love her?

Mother Liu concentrated on watching the latest updates of the two episodes. She sat on the sofa and didn't recover. When Liu Changze saw his mother's eyes were red, he immediately became anxious, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Do you feel unwell?"

Mother Liu immediately stared at Liu Changze, "The little girl is so cute and pitiful? Why did you forget about her, and you are still entangled with that guy named Jian Rong, big scumbag, not a thing!"

Ms. Liu was totally engrossed in the drama. One second she was expecting to praise Liu Changze for his good performance, but the next second she disliked her son and he became a scumbag! Liu Changze is more wronged than Dou E!

Liu Changze immediately raised his hands in surrender, crying helplessly, "My mother! Chu Yongyan is just my character, can you separate him from me? Your son and I are not scumbags at all, okay?"

It took a long time for his mother to come back to her senses, and pushed Father Liu aside, "Old Liu, this little girl is so beautiful, let Changze take her home and be his wife, okay?"

Liu's father said helplessly, "Good-looking is good-looking, But the girl might not necessarily like our son."

Liu Chengze's heart ached, and he felt like he had been shot in the knee several times.

Mother Liu was a little moody for a while, but when she thought of something, her eyes lit up immediately. She picked up her ipad and quickly asked, "Son, what's the name of this little girl? I will follow her on Weibo. The little girl is so cute. If someone wants to scold her on Weibo, I will go to her side and scold those trolls."

Liu Changze suddenly felt very tired, and when he was hacked by netizens before, his mother didn't intend to talk to netizens. She just watched Chu Yao's TV series today and immediately became a fan, and even scolded people for her. As her own son, he is a little jealous, okay?

But Liu Chengze has to admit that Chu Yao is indeed very popular with the audience, and her every move is charming and infectious. When he played with Chu Yao before, he could already feel the charm of her role, but the edited film and television works magnified her charm even more.

Even an old lady like Mother Liu, who usually only watches TV dramas at 8 o'clock and never follows stars or pays attention to gossip, is attracted by Chu Yao and became a fan, which shows her charm.

Liu Changze saw that his Father Liu also took out his mobile phone and logged on to Weibo, which he hadn't used for several years, followed Chu Yao, and said with emotion, "Hey, your mother and I really want to have a daughter, a little girl like this is very nice, I think she is very kind."

Liu Changze was almost speechless...Chu Yao's damn popularity to an audience, she appeared in the TV series for tens of minutes, and his whole family became her fans.

However, Liu Changze swiped through Weibo and found that the fans of "Chang'an Moonlight" on the Internet and the book fans have maintained a high degree of tacit understanding this time. They did not form a group to scold the role of the cousin, but praised it all. Almost all of them powdered and became fans as well. 

Even Chang An, the original author of "Chang'an Moonlight", mostly posted on Weibo, expressing his love for Cousin Shuang Bai played by Chu Yao.

[Writer Chang'an: Are you about to cry when you see the update of "Chang'an Moonlight" tonight? Have I ever said that my cousin is my first heart! It's all my fault that I, a straight man, can't write well, and I wrote the good Shuang Bai girl like that... The book fans scolded my cousin's body, and it hurts my heart! Tonight, let this straight man raise a glass to his cousin with many book fans~ I really like the little sister who plays the cousin ~@Chu Xiaoyao]

Liu Changze clicked on Chu Yao’s Weibo homepage, and saw that her fans had risen to 890 Wan, just because of tonight's "Chang'an Moonlight", Chu Yao has 700,000 fans! Simply terrible!

He Chengyi, who usually gets ready to fall asleep at ten o'clock, has not gone to sleep today for the first time... because Film Emperor He is following the drama!

He finished catching up with the update of "Chang'an Moonlight" on TV, and then went to the video website to watch the part where Chu Yao appeared in these two episodes several times. The more He Chengyi watched, the more he felt that Chu Yao's performance was very familiar to him, and this feeling was also very strong when he played against Chu Yao last time.


Chu Yao led the friends in the red envelope group to watch the TV series together, and felt that her performance was notable and she was satisfied.

Before going to bed, Chu Yao started her Moments again as usual. When she saw that He Chengyi had shared a song "Tonight" in Moments for the first time, the original singer was Chu Yaoyao.

Chu Yao suddenly felt guilty and almost threw her mobile phone away. You must know that in Chu Yaoyao's era, acting and singing were excellent, there were not many celebrities and entertainers who were too embarrassed to say that they were stars, and many movie stars released a bunch of records. And Chu Yaoyao's song "Tonight" was sung as an episode in the movie "Unforgettable".

So why didn't Chu Yaoyao release a record back then?

Ho ho, because she sings out of tune! ! ! !

It took her two full days to record the song "Tonight", and it took a lot of effort for the sound engineer to help her make this song like this. Anyway, since "Tonight", no one asked her to sing again... Ho ho.

For Chu Yao, this is definitely the greatest shame in life!

Chu Yao had no choice but to leave a message under He Chengyi's circle of friends.

[Chu Xiaoyao: You have vision, and I also like this song "Tonight" the most.]


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