He Chengyi entered the studio here.

It can be seen that he is in a good mood today, several ME staff members came up to ask for autographs and group photos, and He Chengyi agreed one by one.

It was the first time that He Chengyi encountered an unprecedented cold reception. Since he entered the studio today, no one has discovered his existence. The person in charge and the staff present did not notice anyone coming in, and they were all immersed in the filming work of this issue. He Chengyi didn't care, he just stood aside and watched.

Chu Yao has been filming for a while. Chu Yao's camera sense is very good, as if she was a natural darling under the spotlight, being doted on by all the cameras. Chu Yao at work is the real Chu Yao, and the charm she radiates fascinates everyone.

Sometimes she laughs loudly, showing her white teeth. That smile is very contagious and dispels all the haze. Sometimes there was a head tilting killing, which was so cute that people's hearts melted. Sometimes it looks like a ignorant deer, blinking a pair of watery eyes, making you unbearable.

Of course, the most lethal thing was her charming and lazily brushing her curly hair, and lazily turning her eyes over the camera. The amorous charm in it made the audience almost nosebleed and their hearts pounding.

He Chengyi, who stayed quietly at the side, was stunned for half a second, and seemed to be a little disturbed by Chu Yao's look, and he couldn't express his inner emotional fluctuations to outsiders.

After the makeup on Chu Yao's face was a bit smudged, the filming stopped and Nanding hurried to the stage to touch up Chu Yao's makeup.

The photographer here flipped through the photos taken today, and none of them were dissatisfied. For this New Year's theme, a total of five photos were scheduled. Wu You, the person in charge this time, looked at each of the photos and liked them very much, each with its own unique style, no matter which one he gave up, he was very reluctant to part with it.

When He Chengyi saw Wu You scratching his ears and cheeks, he couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "It's time to make a brochure."

Wu You suddenly realized, "Yes, make a brochure, whether it's in the store or as a New Year's set, the accessories are perfect!" Wu You wanted to say who knew him so well, but when he turned around and saw He Chengyi, he was completely stunned.

Wu You said with a deliberate tone, "Film Emperor He, is it a business or private matter for you to come to ME today?"

He Chengyi said concisely, "It's a private matter, wait for someone."

Wu You was stunned for two seconds before realizing that as soon as He Chengyi said it, he almost subconsciously glanced at Chu Yao. Feeling that he had discovered something, Wu You licked his lips and smiled, "Chu Yao in camera looks good, I guess it won't be long."

Wu You gestured to the staff, and the second half of the filming began immediately. Because of the previous running-in, this shooting seems to be like a godsend, and the speed is slow.

The staff moved a chair for He Chengyi with a blushing face, and He Chengyi nodded towards her, making the little girl not know where to put her hands and feet. He Chengyi didn't sit down either, but stood there again, looking at Chu Yao who was filming.

Chu Yao also knew that He Chengyi was here early in the morning, and she was a little surprised. She didn't expect He Yingdi to be so direct. The itinerary was tight, she only nodded to He Chengyi as a greeting, and immediately plunged into the intense shooting.

It stands to reason that as long as Chu Yao puts herself into work, she will almost concentrate on it and never get distracted. During today's filming, she lost her mind a few times, because He Chengyi's eyes were so unbelievable...

When the filming ended, He Chengyi was still waiting quietly, without a hint of impatience on his face. Chu Yao said to him, "I'll take off my make-up later, or may I trouble you to wait in the lounge for a while."

When Chu Yao came back after changing her clothes, she saw Deng Qinqin standing next to He Chengyi. What, she wanted to pull He Chengyi's arm with excitement.

He Chengyi looked very impatient, avoided Deng Qinqin's touch, and said, "If you don't want to be hidden by Chenxing, please pay attention to your words and deeds." He Chengyi's tone was extremely solemn, and at this moment it seemed like his whole body was like an air conditioner that was fully turned on, and there was silence in the dressing room, and some people dared not breathe aloud.

Deng Qinqin looked at He Chengyi in disbelief, as if she hadn't thought that this man would be so hard-hearted and merciless.

He Chengyi never looked at Deng Qinqin again, tilted his head and saw Chu Yao standing at the door, the coldness on his face faded a bit, and he walked straight towards Chu Yao.

Deng Qinqin looked bitterly at the back of the two walking away.

Chu Yao thought to herself that it would be unrealistic for her and He Chengyi to walk out of ME in such a blatant manner. The ending would either be watched by crowds, or the scandal between the two would appear on the Internet today. Chu Yao took out a black mask from her bag and handed it to He Chengyi, "It's safer to wear it."

He Chengyi didn't refute, took the mask obediently and put it on himself, and said softly, "I drove here, the car is in the underground garage."

It wasn't until Chu Yao sat in the seat next to the driver's seat that she realized a serious problem. Today, because she was going to the movies, she prepared very carefully, wearing a very ordinary down jacket and a thick scarf. But Chu Yao seems to have forgotten that she is just an 18th-tier girl now, and the possibility of her being recognized is very small. And the Film Emperor He sitting next to her is a high-risk person. If they are recognized, they will not be able to leave the cinema today... But He Chengyi has no self-consciousness as a superstar? He didn't even have the self-consciousness to cover his face a little bit!

Could it be that He Chengyi felt in his heart that he had a passer-by face? ? !

Chu Yao thought about this question for a long time. Blue Star Cinema is also located in the city center, not far from the ME head office, so it didn't take long to arrive.

He Chengyi parked the car and was about to get out of the car when Chu Yao called out, "Wait a minute, I don't think this weapon is too tight."

Chu Yao directly reached out and the mask on He Chengyi's face was taken off. He Chengyi was stunned. When Chu Yao took off the mask, her soft fingertips seemed to touch his ears, and the slightly hot temperature spread around his ears, making He Chengyi suddenly unable to guard against it.

Before He Chengyi came back to his senses, Chu Yao directly picked up a scarf and tied it on for him, which just covered most of his face, only revealing a pair of narrow and deep eyes. He Cheng thought with all his heart that if he remembered correctly, this scarf was still on Chu Yao's neck just now, and it seemed to carry the gentle and delicate fragrance of a girl, which made him feel a little dizzy for a while.

Thinking of this fact, He Chengyi's heart couldn't help but thump.

In fact, this is the first time that He Chengyi has had such intimate contact with a girl, different from the disgust he felt in the past, this time he is actually somewhat looking forward to and excited. Although he didn't know what was going on with this sudden emotion, he didn't resist it at all.

Chu Yao's pleasant voice came from next to his ear, "Don't be dazed, let's get out of the car." Only then did He Chengyi come back to his senses.

A self-proclaimed 18th-tier entertainment circle small and transparent, and the other is a young movie star with an extremely high popularity, the two walked into the movie theater brazenly, picked up tickets, checked them, and walked into the screening hall ostentatiously.

The little ticket inspector belatedly said to her colleague, "Do you think the man wearing the scarf looks familiar?"

At the same time, she joked, "Maybe you think every handsome guy looks familiar!"

They don't know if David had some evil intentions, he bought He Chengyi two movie tickets for couple seats, the kind of seats separated by the last row that can only accommodate two people. But they have to admit that the privacy is really good, no one found that the people sitting next to them and behind them were He Chengyi and Chu Yao.

It was not evening yet, and this "Cat and Mouse" show was completely packed. Even the first and second rows, which were not very good for watching the movie, were packed with people, which is enough to show how popular He Chengyi is.

Soon the film officially began to be screened. This is a high-quality police film. The plot is smooth and climaxes. He Chengyi's role has changed from a glib rebellious gangster at the beginning to an undercover agent who sneaked into the gang. He lives a life of stepping on the tip of a knife every day, like walking on thin ice.

The eyes of the audience were all attracted by the plot of the movie story on the big screen and He Chengyi's superb performance. From the beginning, the little gangster who repeatedly made jokes made the audience roar with laughter. In the middle and later stages, when the protagonist is in danger, every time he is almost discovered, there is another gasp in the cinema. All the hearts and minds of the audience were attracted by the movie, and no one in the audience was playing with their mobile phones.

Even Chu Yao, who was a veteran driver in the entertainment circle, had to admit that this young man, He Chengyi, was indeed formidable, and his acting skills were already immaculate at such a young age.

Chu Yao was watching the movie without blinking, but He Chengyi occasionally looked at Chu Yao's face. Chu Yao's side face is very good-looking, without any extra edges and corners, but it doesn't look too stiff. Full of charm, like a distant ink painting. The light and shadow occasionally projected on the big screen hit her face vividly like a wonderful shadow play.

The audience present bought the order of "Cat and Mouse", and when the screening of the movie ended, no audience left the venue. After the ending song ended and the easter eggs were played, the scene was completely black, and the audience reluctantly left their seats.

Chu Yao and He Chengyi stayed a little later, and they left when all the people left and the cleaning aunt came in to clean up.

Because He Chengyi had a family gathering that night, the two did not eat together. He Chengyi sent Chu Yao downstairs, He Chengyi frowned slightly, looked at the security and construction of the community, and said, "I suggest you change your residence."

Chu Yao nodded with a smile, "Yes. I will move after the Chinese New Year."

When Chu Yao got off the car, she paused for two seconds and smiled at He Chengyi, "Thank you for inviting me to watch a movie today, and next time I invite you to dinner... Also, your acting is very good."

He Chengyi watched Chu Yao go upstairs, remembering her words of praise, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.


At night before Chu Yao was about to go to bed, she checked Moments again, and found that He Chengyi, who had never updated a post since becoming a friend, actually posted a post for the first time.

[He Chengyi: My family knew that I didn't give gifts after I invited people to watch the movie, and they unanimously and seriously criticized that this practice was not a gentleman. May I ask the supernatural circle of friends, do you have this saying?]

Chu Yao immediately stopped swiping her phone. It seems that she is the only one He Chengyi invited to watch a movie today... So He Chengyi's family accused him of not giving her a Christmas present at the family gathering?

It's not a date between a man and a woman, so there should be no need to give gifts.

Chu Yao thought for a while, and replied in He Chengyi's circle of friends.

[Chu Xiaoyao: There is no such statement. But the next time you chase a girl, you still have to give a gift. 】


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