Next to the big photo shoot of ME make-up, this is the first announcement that Chu Yao has received since her rebirth. Thinking about it, she is a little excited! However, as a superstar queen, she has seen the big world, so keep a low profile!

ME is a well-known international luxury brand. It started out as a high-end dress, and later it has a cosmetics line. When Chu Yao was still Chu Yaoyao, ME was already a top brand in the world, and Chu Yaoyao used to be its full-line spokesperson.

Chu Yaoyao once had a 20-second movie clip of wearing ME lipstick in "Resurrection", which became a classic, and ME makeup was once sold out. ME and Chu Yaoyao used to be regarded as mutual achievements.

The address of the ME headquarters has not changed, but the main building has changed, occupying a building in the center of City S, which also shows that ME is so aggressive!

Chu Yao and Lu Xingzhou took the elevator upstairs, there were quite a lot of people in this elevator, and the one who was crowded in the middle was Deng Qinqin, a popular actress. Deng Qinqin has a gorgeous appearance, wearing sunglasses, followed by security guards and assistants, with a particularly dignified appearance.

Deng Qinqin belongs to Chenxing Entertainment, she can't show anything except her beauty, but she has a good team. Leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, she spent a lot of resources to forcefully promote herself from a small 18-line model to a hot actress. And Deng Qinqin is the spokesperson of the ME luggage line. You must know that when she won this endorsement, she made many actresses feel envy and hate. The last spokesperson of the family was Chen Yushuang who was in the sky.

Compared with Deng Qinqin's ostentation, only Chu Yao accompanied by Lu Xingzhou was obviously in a tragic contrast.

When Chu Yao entered the elevator door, she glanced lightly at Deng Qinqin, and never looked again. Instead, Deng Qinqin looked at Chu Yao several times through the sunglasses.

It stands to reason that Chu Yao and Deng Qinqin have never met before, but unfortunately they both appeared on the same show "Actor". Deng Qinqin was scolded bloody by He Chengyi, but Chu Yao was praised by He Chengyi for her acting skills in public. Deng Qinqin could never forget the gap between them.

Deng Qinqin snuck a few glances at Chu Yao through the sunglasses, and found that Chu Yao was exquisite and good-looking, and she was not at all the same as her, who had used knives the day after tomorrow, which made her feel a little embarrassed. But when she saw Chu Yao's outfit, and then looked at her own style, she couldn't help but snort in her heart... No matter how good-looking she is, what's the use of being good-looking, after all, luck is the most important thing in the entertainment industry. She can be an 18th line for the rest of her life.

The powder rooms and studios of all ME departments are on the same floor. Deng Qinqin also came to shoot the New Year's blockbuster of the ME luggage series this time, so Chu Yao and Deng Qinqin got off the elevator on the same floor.

Chu Yao was close to the elevator door, so she naturally got out of the elevator door first, this action obviously made Deng Qinqin a little annoyed, she gave Chu Yao a bitter look... She doesn't know the 18th line!

The two also used the same dressing room, but Deng Qinqin's workload today was much heavier than Chu Yao's, but she came late, which made the ME staff waiting for her a little impatient. Deng Qinqin went straight to the biggest makeup booth as if she didn't see it. Deng Qinqin has her own makeup artist, as if she is superior to others, just to be different.

And the makeup artist that ME found for Chu Yao was the top makeup artist in the industry, Nan Ding. Deng Qinqin's face was not very good when she saw it, she pointed to Chu Yao's side with her chin, and asked the person in charge, "Why did you find Nan Ding for her? Do you think she is older than me, and she is trying to curry favor with that woman??!" 

The person in charge rolled his eyes mentally, but smiled and said that he couldn't find anything wrong, "Didn't you say that you have a makeup artist at the beginning, Qinqin? Aren't you not used to the makeup artist outside?"

Deng Qinqin had nothing to say, but her mouth was curled up, her expression was sullen, and her face was full of impatience.

But Chu Yao's side went very smoothly. Nanding has been in the circle for a long time, and he is a 100% pure face control, and he has also seen many beauties of all kinds.

And Nanding, who was used to beauties, had to admit that Chu Yao was a real stunner the first time he saw her. This is true from the outside to the inside, from the flesh to the soul.

The so-called beautiful people take flowers as their appearance, birds as their voice, moon as their god, willows as their posture, jade as their bones, ice and snow as their skin, autumn water as their posture, and poetry as their heart. But that's all.

Nanding helped Chu Yao create makeup almost with a worshipful attitude.

After helping Chu Yao put on the base makeup, Nanding couldn't help sighing, "Hey, Yaoyao, your skin is so good that you don't have a single pore. I don't think you need to use liquid foundation."

After helping Chu Yao finish her eyebrows, Nanding said indignantly, "How do you grow such eyebrows? The wild eyebrows are too good-looking, I think it would be redundant."

When helping Chu Yao to repair her face, Nanding was about to cry, "Your face don't need more repairs, the nose is very straight and there is no need for highlighting..."

When helping Chu Yao complete a New Year's makeup, Nanding wanted to cry, "Yaoyao, helping you with makeup makes me feel so unfulfilled. It's the first time I feel that my skills are so weak!" 

When other actresses in the circle heard Nanding's words, they were going to cry, okay??!

After finishing her styling, Chu Yao put on a little red dress and small leather shoes. She has a different taste, combining girlishness and femininity. She is sweet and charming, ignorant and charming, making people reluctant to move away their glances from her.

The shape of Chu Yao was seen by the person in charge of ME luggage next door, and she was so amazed that she wanted to pull Chu Yao over to take a promotional photo. She said that the make-up department was blinded by lard, so how could they find an 18th line with a bad reputation to do publicity? If she knew Chu Yao's good looks, she would be willing to do it too!

She saw Deng Qinqin, who was difficult to deal with on her side again, her hair was about to fall out!

When the studio started construction, the two sides were in completely different situations.

Deng Qinqin was originally a model, and it stands to reason that she should be able to take pictures with her hand, so she can't be bothered, but she doesn't want to make facial expressions. In order to cater to the New Year's atmosphere, this set of promotional photos needs to make some exaggerated expressions. But Deng Qinqin felt that making facial expressions was too ugly, so she didn't want to do it.

It took almost half an hour to shoot, and there were not many photos available, which drove the person in charge here almost crazy. And the high temperature of the lighting made the temperature in the studio very high. Deng Qinqin, who was halfway through the shooting, was so upset by the photos that she didn't even want to take the photos, playing big names.

The person in charge was also unwilling, so he called Deng Qinqin's agent and negotiated for a long time, and both sides took a step back. Deng Qinqin got half an hour to rest, and she went down to the lounge surrounded by everyone.

Deng Qinqin was drinking the coffee that her assistant bought for her, seeing the excited expressions on the faces of the ME staff, she didn't know what to say, and then several people left the room in a hurry.

Deng Qinqin frowned and looked at her assistant, and asked, "Are there any superstars here? Why do they seem like they have they never seen the market?"

The little assistant also said excitedly, "It seems that the actor He is here." She actually really wanted to see the legendary actor He, but if she really did this, she would probably be fired by Deng Qinqin.

Who knew that Deng Qinqin was more excited than her, her face turned red with excitement, "Where is he? Could it be that ME secretly asked him to cooperate with me in this filming in order to surprise me?"

Although both Deng Qinqin and He Chengyi belonged to Chenxing Entertainment, but The gap between the two is 100 million. Deng Qinqin has always wanted to hug He Chengyi's thigh to stir up the scandal, but her manager sternly rejected it, making Deng Qinqin feel extremely regretful. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could cooperate with He Chengyi today and there would be some scandals?

However, the little assistant punctured Deng Qinqin's dream with some trepidation, "It seems that He Yingdi has gone to the studio next door."

The person who was filming in the studio next door was Chu Yao.

"That 18th line actress??!!! Why does He Chengyi want to cooperate with her?!" Deng Qinqin cursed directly, and poured the coffee in her hand all over the little assistant.


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