Before Christmas at the end of the year, the crew of "Actor" gave the audience a Christmas gift - the first trailer of "Actor". And announced the premiere time, scheduled for New Year's Day.

The biggest gimmick used by "Actor" at the beginning of its promotion was that the mentor invited He Chengyi and Chen Yushuang. One is the most expensive young actor in the entertainment industry, with countless fans. One is the actress of the century who is already in a half-life state, full of charm. Coupled with countless flow of fresh meat and Xiaohuadan. There is almost no need to stir up this popularity, and it directly comes with a lot of traffic and topics.

Wu Xingxing is He Chengyi's die-hard fan and brain-dead fan, which even led their family to fall in love with He Chengyi. Wu Xingxing used to be a fan of a popular fresh meat, but after that fresh meat was caught as a prostitute, his career flopped all the way, and he was found in the entertainment industry.

Wu Xingxing worked very hard when she was a fan of fresh meat. Every day she had to fight for the sales of magazines for fresh meat, grass data, and traffic. But ever since she became a fan of He Chengyi, these things never happened, and star chasing became super easy. For example, "Cat and Mouse", which was only released a few days ago, had a box office of over 300 million on the first day, not to mention that the premiere was still a working day, let alone when the market was so cold at the end of this year. On the day "Cat and Mouse" was released, the combined box office of all movies totaled 450 million.

He Chengyi's acting skills are even more exquisite in "Cat and Mouse", and he has achieved a natural nature without showing any traces.

Wu Xingxing directly dragged her parents to see "Cat and Mouse" five times, and she planned to drag her friends to do it six times during the New Year's Day holiday. Of course, Wu Xingxing has also followed "Actor" for a long time, and she is super looking forward to what He Chengyi will look like when he is not acting. Wu Xingxing, who has already set the official Weibo of "Actor" as a special follower, almost clicked on the trailer almost at the same time when the official Weibo just released the trailer.

The three mentors appeared on the seats, and the screen switched to the classic characters in the three people's film and television works. Wu Xingxing, who has a thick fan filter, feels that He Chengyi's acting skills are the best, and the classics he created are even more classic. As for the other two, Chen Yushuang is fighting for qualifications. A junior sister from the same school as Chu Tianhou has been fired for decades, so she is not afraid of flashing her waist. The other person, Lin Mengqi, might simply have come to get a head start.

In the first episode of the show, three groups of guests came. If it wasn't for the popular traffic, it was the powerful faction that can often be seen in film and television works. Then the film and television works completed by the three groups of guests on the stage flashed quickly. At the end of the trailer, there is a relatively long VCR. The program interviewed all the guests behind the stage this time.

While Wu Xingxing was watching the trailer, the fan group over there was already full of complaints.

[Little Xingxing from the He family: My God, Deng Qinqin usually has a bunch of edited photos boasting about her beauty, now all of them are exposed under the camera! The liquid foundation did not cover the bumps on her face after three layers! ]

[Forever in my life: Yang Tian still dares to touch us every day, Mr. He, that plastic surgery face almost pierces the screen! ]

[Lifetime: With Yang Tian's performance with hot eyes, he dares to say that he has acting skills (vomit)]

[Promise to have you: I haven't watched the trailer since you guys. The girl in the end looks good and has a super temperament, so I only watched it ten times.]

[The army of the He family: It's Chu Yao, she has been promoted, and she still cooperates with Mr. He.]

Wu Xingxing swiped here, and the trailer of "Actor" happened to be placed on Chu Yao's VCR. In the picture, Chu Yao is quietly being put on make-up, her back is straight, and she looks a little bit serious like when elementary school students are listening to class. She looks cute and upright, which makes people feel good.

The camera lens was a candid shot first, and when Chu Yao found out, when she looked at the camera...

Wu Xingxing grabbed his heart suddenly, and whispered excitedly, "Oh my god, I saw a fairy!" 

In the picture, it happened that Chu Yao blinked towards the camera slightly in surprise, those eyes were soft, and there seemed to be stars in them, the people who watched were excited, and there was an illusion of falling in love.

Chu Yao's looks fit in Wu Xingxing's vision and aesthetics very well. She had clearly watched Chu Yao's "Be Careful" before, but she didn't feel this way at all. If Chu Yao had plastic surgery, it's not like that. Her face looks very natural, similar to the previous ones in the drama, but I don't know where this inexplicable sense of surprise comes from.

Beauty, no matter how you look at it from any angle, it is beautiful, even the voice is very beautiful. Chu Yao said seriously to the camera, "Actors hide themselves behind every character, and everything starts from showing the charm of the characters."

Listening to Chu Yao's speech is like listening to a concert. Wu Xingxing thought that if she releases a record and holds a concert with such a nice voice, the fans will go crazy!

After watching the full trailer, Wu Xingxing realizes that she has become a fan of Chu Yao. She fully agrees with the fan in the fan group who watched it back ten times, because she couldn't help watching it several times.

Weibo videos have their own barrage. When Wu Xingxing brushed it for the third time, the style of the barrage on the video changed suddenly.

[Isn't Chu Yao banned? How did you get on "Actor"? The one who was caught by the unspoken rules through the back door!]

[Chu Yao, a past female star, why should she be on a show with our family Qinqin?!]

[Facelift! She looks different from when he debuted.]

[Chu Yao has advanced! Why did her acting skills advance? It can't be based on face, right? Ho ho ho ho hot chicken]

[Chu Xiaosan's acting skills can also be included in "Actor"? Can still advance! The f#ck is the audience blind? Spicy chicken show, resolutely boycott! ! ! ]

Bullet screens like this really affect the viewing mood. Wu Xingxing had no choice but to turn off the video, and went to Chu Yao's homepage to pay special attention. It didn't take long before Wu Xingxing found a few gossip bloggers on his homepage with the rhythm, secretly mocking Chu Yao for not being good enough for "Actor" because of her lack of acting skills, secretly mocking her for plastic surgery.

And the two topics of #Chu Yao's《Actor》# and #Chu Yao's front face# also slowly climbed up the hot search, although the position is relatively late, but it still attracted the attention of some netizens.

Seeing this, Wu Xingxing was speechless. Chu Yao's acting skills were not worthy of "Actor", so the scumbags Deng Qinqin and Yang Tian's acting skills were worthy? Compared with Deng Qinqin's, Chu Yao's face couldn't be more natural. As a plastic surgeon, couldn't she see it? Wasn't it because they were so popular that they didn't dare to tear Chu Yao up? Inexplicably, Wu Xingxing felt a little pity for Chu Yao... It's really a person sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

It didn't take long for these people to be slapped in the face. After the official Weibo of "Actor" released the official trailer, it released a few more tidbits. He Chengyi bore the brunt of being spoofed by ghosts and animals.

["Actor": He Yingdi is super fierce and strict, if you don't believe me, watch it~]

Seeing that it was a tidbit about He Chengyi, Wu Xingxing immediately clicked on the video and started playing. In the video, He Chengyi is really fierce


He Chengyi, "Sorry, I refuse to vote."

He Chengyi, "NO!"

He Chengyi, "Sorry, I don't think your acting is good enough."


He Chengyi was going to be spoiled in the video, the picture of ghosts and his frowning serious expression, no matter how you look at it, it's funny. When the progress bar was about to end, the ghostly He Chengyi's expression suddenly became much gentler...

Even Wu Xingxing didn't realize the meaning of He Chengyi's expression for a while, but suddenly He Chengyi laughed and said, "Chu Yao, I am very optimistic about you, choose me to be your mentor."

Wu Xingxing looked confused in front of the screen, the contrast between before and after is too magical! She must have seen the fake He Chengyi, hahahahahaha!

He Chengyi's fan group where Wu Xingxing belongs is also completely blown up!

[Hehaha's pearl milk tea: I read it right just now! Boss He actually laughed——smiled—smiled—smiled...]

[Lifetime: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you read that right! Mr. He really appreciates Chu Yao!]

[Lifetime: She must be good at acting! I really want to watch "Actor"! ]

[Promise to have you: Hahahaha, I feel like the Film Emperor is going to be a judge! Only Chu Yao gave him a smooth hair!]

[Big Demon King: Just relying on Chu Yao's good cat-handling skills, I'm a fan!]

[Little star of the He family: fan +10096]

[Hehaha's pearl milk tea: Those idiots on the Internet also said that Chu Yao's acting skills are not good enough to go through the back door! I was immediately slapped in the face hahahaha! 】


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