New Year bonus chapters 5/5


Like a person that was watching a movie, Chu Yao stopped immediately when she saw that there were melons to eat.

As soon as Ren Bing saw Tang Mingyuan, the person who bared her teeth and claws just now didn't seem to be her at all. Ren Bing stared at Tang Mingyuan with red eyes, "Tang Mingyuan, if you don't give me an explanation today, we will break up!"

Tang Mingyuan has a good appearance, and he has the name of a national school crush since his debut. He is so handsome and elegant. Girls seem to like him a lot. Chu Yao felt that in the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan, although Ren Bing had a good family background, Tang Mingyuan played the leading role.

Tang Mingyuan frowned involuntarily as he watched the group of people watching the show, and endured his impatience with Ren Bing. There was a gentle, helpless and tolerant smile on Tang Mingyuan's face, "This is a misunderstanding. It's all a joke that was photographed by the paparazzi and scribbled... There are many people here. I will explain it to you slowly when I go back at night."

Tang Mingyuan only said a word, but Ren Bing's emotions were obviously almost calmed down, but there was still a little reluctance and awkwardness on her face. Tang Mingyuan leaned closer to hold Ren Bing's hand, but accidentally glanced at Chu Yao who was eating melons behind the crowd. Tang Mingyuan looked at Chu Yao's face in a daze for half a second, and then saw the shadow of his ex-girlfriend from that delicate face, his eyes were astonished and complicated.

Seeing Tang Mingyuan looking at her, Chu Yao couldn't help rolling her eyes... Scumbag!

Ren Bing's sixth sense felt that something was wrong, so she immediately followed Tang Mingyuan's line of sight. Seeing that Tang Mingyuan's distracted gaze turned out to be Chu Yao, her expression changed. She said sharply, "Tang Mingyuan, what are you looking at? Do you feel that your ex-girlfriend has become more attractive, and your heart is moved, and you want to go back to her again?!"

Tang Mingyuan saw that Ren Bing was questioning him in front of people here, and he felt a little embarrassed. Unable to make it through, the smile on his face was a little less, and his tone was still gentle, "You think too much, can you go back and say something? It's embarrassing for the public."

Ren Bing was shocked for a moment, Tang Mingyuan had never said that before. She said such a heavy word... She pushed Tang Mingyuan in a panic... As a result, she was wearing high heels, and because of the cold weather and ice on the ground, Ren Bing slipped and fell to the ground.

The fall was so severe that Ren Bing couldn't even get up, holding her feet with pain on her face, even tears fell down from her eyes.

The staff hurriedly called an ambulance, fearing that if something happened to Ren Bing, they would be troubled.

Chu Yao heard the staff beside her whisper, "I don't know if it's a sprain or a fracture, but at least half a month's rest is the minimum."

Hearing this, Chu Yao couldn't help raising her eyebrows.


He Chengyi had a movie premiered a few days ago. Director Wen Sen was the first director he collaborated with when he debuted. The two had a friendship. He Chengyi, who has never done much publicity, also helped out a few publicity shows.

The last scene was set at the Blue Star Cinema in City S. The fans surrounded the crew on three floors inside and outside, and the police were directly used to maintain order on the scene. This is also one of the reasons why He Chengyi doesn't participate in publicity very much.

As soon as He Chengyi stood on the stage, the audience screamed louder and louder, and the atmosphere was comparable to the Spring Festival Gala. Finally, the publicity came to an end, and He Chengyi entered the waiting room surrounded by a group of bodyguards.

He Chengyi asked his agent Wen Sen, "Isn't today a working day? Are so many people free?"

Lin Sen's face was dark, "My boss, people are here to see you, some asked for leave specially, and some fans came here specially."

He Chengyi was slightly stunned for a while, and then asked, "Then why don't I act in an extra movie next year? Or take part in a variety show once in a while?"

When the words came out of He Chengyi's mouth, Lin Sen had an expression of disbelief. It took a while for Lin Sen to digest the matter, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva and said, "Of course this is better."

David suddenly took an insulated box and entered the lounge. Lin Sen knew that He Chengyi didn't like eating out , and then asked, "The organizer or the crew sent someone to send it? Dumplings?"

Dawei was really left with a psychological shadow, and carefully glanced at He Chengyi, "Chu Yao asked her agent to send this to Boss, do you want to eat?"

Lin Sen immediately recalled Chu Yao's amazing face, such a delicate and outstanding person is hard to forget. Lin Sen felt that although his film star was very special to Chu Yao, but the price dropped as soon as the girl took the initiative. He Chengyi didn't know how many girls' hearts he had hurt by refusing. He Chengyi must be extremely annoyed by someone like Chu Yao catching up to hug his thigh.

He Chengyi's expression moved slightly, and he nodded towards David, "You take it here."

This really made Lin Sen turn pale with shock.

The insulated lunch box Chu Yao used was of good quality, and when He Chengyi opened the lid, it was still hot. The winter solstice is indeed a good time to eat dumplings, and Chu Yao's cooking skills are indeed pretty good, the dumplings look white and tender and very appetizing, He Chengyi's eyes were a little dazed. He Chengyi took a few mouthfuls, and judging by his expression, it should be delicious and enjoyable.

Seeing He Chengyi's behavior, David immediately felt that he was about to tell the truth, so he carefully suggested, "Miss Chu is giving you a gift, does the boss want to return the gift?"

Hearing these words, Lin Sen's scalp became numb, and he looked at He Chengyi with a look of horror.

He Chengyi gracefully put down his chopsticks and nodded towards David, "Wait a minute." He Chengyi remembered that Chu Yao had added him on WeChat, and the two were WeChat friends, although they only had a few official greetings. He Chengyi opened Chu Yao's dialog box and edited a piece of text.

[He Chengyi: Thank you for the dumplings, they taste good.]

[He Chengyi: Are you free on Christmas Eve? I have a movie in theaters, are you interested in watching it?]

He Chengyi thought that Chu Yao should be working at this time, but just when he was about to put away the phone, the other party's message came.

[Chu Xiaoyao: I have to take promotional photos of ME during the day, and I'm free at night.]

[Chu Xiaoyao: "Cat and Mouse"? OK, I'm going to watch it too.]

Chu Yao's answer is quite straightforward, there is no hypocrisy or pretentiousness, and there is no playing hard to get. This made He Chengyi feel happy, so he said to David, "David can you help me book two movie tickets for "Cat and Mouse", for Christmas Eve."

Lin Sen and David looked at each other in horror. Take a look... Lonely men and widows go to the movies together for Christmas? This is also developing too fast!


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