Going to walk the red carpet, the dress must be the first consideration.

Chu Yao did not form a complete team, and according to her coffee position, there was no brand or studio that would take the initiative to lend her dresses. When Lu Xingzhou was Chen Cheng's agent, he used to cooperate with several well-known designers and studios, but when Chen Cheng switched to Chen Xing, she also took away these fashion resources. Regarding this dress, Lu Xingzhou is ready to contact the previous resources.

But what was surprising was that Wu You, whom Chu Yao had just worked with some time ago, took the initiative to match up and borrowed a set of ME dress for Chu Yao, which was also a surprise.

Another artist under Lu Xingzhou's team, Tian Xin, starred in a web drama that was broadcast on the National Arts Video website, so she was also invited to the National Arts Red Carpet Ceremony this time.

Chu Yao and Tian Xin met in the lounge of the Red Carpet Ceremony. Lu Xingzhou helped Tian Xin borrow a set of high-end clothing from a second-tier brand, which looks quite foreign and cute on Tian Xin. But when Tian Xin and Chu Yao stood together, they were immediately in contrast with each other.

Chu Yao wore a bright red long dress, without any extra decorations, and relying on tailoring to win, it gave Chu Yao a high-end and amazing feeling when she wore it.

Big wavy hair, white skin and red lips, Chu Yao's temperament is charming and graceful, exuding a strong style.

This is a small lounge with only two artists, Chu Yao and Tian Xin. As soon as Tian Xin saw Chu Yao's dress, her eyes turned red immediately, and she asked Lu Xingzhou pitifully in a low voice, "Brother Lu, Sister Chu's dress and style are very beautiful... If I read correctly, It’s ME’s latest spring/summer style.”

Chu Yao glanced at Tian Xin with a smile in her eyes. This little girl is really interesting, but she has too many evil intentions, and she always pretends to be smart.

Most of the time, Lu Xingzhou belongs to the kind who doesn't tell the truth. To some extent, Tian Xin's personality is a bit similar to his ex-girlfriend Chen Cheng. Lu Xingzhou is very clear in his heart. Lu Xingzhou was unmoved and said in a warm voice, "The clothes are pretty, and they still match Chu Yao on the ground." 

The implication is that Tian Xin only deserves to wear the one on her, at least that's how Tian Xin understands it, which makes her suddenly feel full of humiliation. She turned her back, bit her lower lip tightly, her eyes were slightly red.

Chu Yao glanced at Lu Xingzhou in surprise, a person with such a gentle temper can have a venomous tongue.

It was only later that Chu Yao found out that Tian Xin wanted Lu Xingzhou to pimp her and introduce her benefactor, but Lu Xingzhou refused, so the two had already had a big quarrel.


The most senior gossip forum in China, the nine-story gossip, is as lively today as it used to be. At the end of the year, various grand ceremonies, red carpets, New Year's Eve parties, and gossip emerge in endlessly, making the melon-eating crowd dazzled and satisfied.

Ribs is a veteran gossip netizen, and he is very familiar with gossip in the entertainment industry. Today, after work, the ribs gossip as usual, and she saw a post titled "National Arts Festival Red Carpet Live Streaming, which one has the most stunning look?" 

The National Arts Festival did not invite many talented people this time Big stars, but three of the four female stars in the entertainment industry have gone. It is also quite interesting when female stars walk on the red carpet. So this post immediately attracted Ribs' interest, and she clicked on the post.

The host who opened the post is called Love to Eat Cabbage. He is not a fan of a certain family pretending to be a passer-by, but made a comment with a fair attitude, with sharp and poisonous words. The fans of the various families below are jumping anxiously in the posts, heroes from all walks of life are stewing in a mess, and ribs thought these were very interesting to see.

Today, Deng Qinqin wore a long green dress. In the edited photos released by the studio, she was extremely graceful and glamorous, but in the live broadcast of the red carpet scene, her true colors were fully revealed.

Love to eat cabbage commented on Deng Qinqin's clothes in this way, "Deng Qinqin is wearing this year's popular green, with her neck hunched over, she looks like a thousand-year-old bastard. Encyclopedia claims that she is 1.68 meters tall, and her feet are 18 centimeters long. It’s not as tall as the host next to me. A bag of spicy noodles is a bet, she can’t be more than 1.55 meters!”

Qin Dan, the second of the four female roles, is wearing ME’s latest spring and summer haute couture, a black embroidered dress with high slits to reveal Thighs, a combination of femininity and dignity. In the refined photos released by Qin Dan's studio, Qin Dan looks like She is a goddess from ancient times, mysterious and charming. But under the live broadcast, Qin Dan, who has never made many mistakes, also exposed some flaws.

The host has no sympathy for Qin Dan, and a large number of special approvals, "The host remembers that Qin Dan debuted with the name of the little 'Chu Yaoyao'! Qin Dan is not as good as Chu Yaoyao, okay? Refined pictures can’t be eaten. In the live broadcast, those eyelids can kill flies, and the dead fish eyes are like blind people. If Chu Yaoyao grew up like her, she would have committed suicide in shame and indignation!"

The people who eat melons go to the building again and again to eat spicy noodles, gloating in their hearts to hold respect for these Huadan fans for two seconds. Fortunately, she only eats melons and doesn't chase stars, otherwise she would be so angry that she when she saw love to eat cabbage and complain about her God.

Ribs pulled the live broadcast building from the top to the bottom. The hosts are almost all critical. Occasionally, there are one or two that are really correct or outstanding, and the hosts will praise a few words. But when Ribs swiped to the latest screenshot of the live broadcast, his fingers stopped sliding.

Ribs slid three photos of the same person in a row, and the hot red burned her eyes. No one has ever made Ribs so amazing. The red is fire, the white is like snow, and everything is perfectly like a masterpiece of the gods. When the person in the photo looked towards the camera, Ribs' heart was beating 'plop plop' fast.

Even the landlord from the beginning to the end praised a few words for the first time, with an air of idiot everywhere, "Just one word, beautiful! The color of the dress is beautiful, the hairstyle and makeup are beautiful, and the person is even more beautiful...Mom, how come There is such a good-looking young lady (with a shy expression covering her face)!"

The netizen below immediately responded to the comment:

[Crowds who eat melons: Hehe, the host has lost his skin! After going around in a big circle, it turned out to be a fan of Chu Yao's family! ]

[Lukewarm: Such a large circle of female stars has been blackmailed, the landlord, you and your God are all blown up!]

[Eternal Qin Nu: Good-looking is good-looking, but I heard that her character is not very good.]

The host who was identified as a Chu Yao fan immediately replied, "I swear by my weight that I was not a Chu Yao fan before. I really became a fan after watching the red carpet live broadcast this time. Believe me, just watch the live broadcast. Even if people don’t get fans, they will kneel down under their face value (smiling expression)”

Seeing what the host said, Ribs really went back to watch the live broadcast immediately, but she wanted to see if Chu Yao really so good-looking? It doesn't matter if you don't watch it, you can't stop immediately after seeing it, you almost lick the screen. If there is a soul-stirring beauty of Chu Yao in the screenshot, then the dynamic Chu Yao is simply beautiful.

Ribs specially rewatched Chu Yao's walk on the red carpet five times. Whether it's her walking the red carpet with great posture or signing her name chicly, every move can affect people's hearts. Ribs know what a real beauty is today.

When the ribs returned to the nine-story gossip live broadcast building again, many netizens who had scolded the host before changed their tone.

[Crowd eating melons: Mom asked me why I knelt and licked the screen... I just knelt down for Chu Yao's looks, okay?!]

[In 18 years, I worked hard to be a melon-eating crowd: I came back after the host watched the live broadcast, and said that my face was swollen from the beating. But I still have to confess ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Chu Yao is really beautiful! ]

[Lukewarm: I'm going to kneel down to Chu Yao's looks! Why is there such a beautiful young lady?!!]

Ribs turned two pages, a bunch of people who were slapped in the face to confess their love.

It was the first time that Ribs had the urge to follow a celebrity, and she had a premonition that after becoming a Chu Yao fan, she would be full of surprises every day. Ribs immediately went to Weibo to follow Chu Yao, and picked up a series of Chu Yao's works to make up again.


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