Lu Xingzhou never expected that Chu Yao just went for a walk on the red carpet and did nothing, and attracted a wave of fans. He hasn't come to buy any zombie fans for Chu Yao's Weibo, and Chu Yao's Weibo fans have easily exceeded 10 million.

Chu Yao's latest Weibo is a selfie taken before she walks on the national art red carpet. It has been retweeted and commented easily over 10,000 times. The activeness of this fan is easily leveraged. Lu Xingzhou clicked on the comments under this Weibo, and everyone was expressing their love for Chu Yao. Lu Xingzhou's face was red when he saw that passionate confession... This is really a world that depends on faces!

It was the first time that Lu Xingzhou felt an unprecedented sense of frustration from Chu Yao. Since she came out of the snow after being hidden by the company, whether it is her appearance, temperament, acting skills or fandom, she has improved completely without a teacher. If Chu Yao's appearance hadn't changed significantly, Lu Xingzhou would almost have thought that Chu Yao had been dropped.

If other managers have such a worry-free artist under their hands, they will wake up laughing, okay? Lu Xingzhou is a strange creature, the more Chu Yao is free from worries, the more self-loathing and frustration he feels in his heart. Lu Xingzhou had a hunch that Chu Yao's future was bright, and she would definitely become an unmatched existence in the entertainment industry.

Take this National Arts Festival as an example, Chu Yao could only post selfies pitifully on Weibo for the flawless photos of the other female stars Yishuier. This is not because Chu Yao lacks a professional team. Every time Lu Xingzhou thinks of this incident, he feels very sad and guilty, and feels even more ridiculous how depressing he was in the past few years!

Lu Xingzhou has submitted a complete packaging plan to Chentian, including setting up a team as soon as possible, updating resources for Chu Yao, and so on. Lu Xingzhou also reorganized the social circle he had been away from before.

The relatives and friends around Lu Xingzhou joked that he had recently rejuvenated, and they were all in high spirits, asking him if he was in a relationship. Lu Xingzhou said that he did it for his dream and work, but they expressed their disbelief, so Lu Xingzhou could only cry.

Today is Lu Xingzhou's family gathering day.

Lu Xingzhou's family can also be regarded as a literary and artistic family. Some of his relatives are engaged in literary and artistic work such as writers, screenwriters, musicians, photographers, and directors. Every time the family gets together, there is something to talk about.

For example, this time, a certain uncle of Lu Xingzhou who is a director said, "He Chengyi really has a bright future. The film "Above the Soul" he starred in was nominated for seven Golden Tree Awards. The probability of winning the Best Actor Award is very high." The Golden Tree Award is the highest award in the global film industry, and it is the highest honor that every filmmaker dreams of.

A cousin of Lu Xingzhou who is a singer said with envy, "Then this is not the fourth time he has been nominated and won the award for the second time? This kind of luck and strength is really amazing... After that In a few years, won't he catch up with Chu Yinghou, who has been nominated nine times and won four awards?"

When Chu Yaoyao was mentioned, the atmosphere at the dinner table froze for a few seconds, after all, most of the middle-aged people at the table were Chu Yaoyao's fan back then. That man was truly peerless and had attracted countless movie fans to their knees. It's a pity that she has passed away, leaving countless regrets.

Lu Xingzhou knew that "Chang'an Moonlight" would be aired tonight, and these two episodes were about Chu Yao's character receiving a bento. Lu Xingzhou was very concerned about the online comments after the two episodes were broadcast.

Lu Xingzhou was considering whether to use the excuse of feeling unwell to go back and catch up on a TV drama update, but his niece who was in primary school asked someone to turn on the TV in the box, saying that she wanted to watch "Chang'an Moonlight".

If Lu Xingzhou had made this request, he would have been drowned by his relatives one by one. Who told his niece to be the only third generation's only seedling, and the family would hold her in their hands and spoil her!

The TV just cut to the opening song, and the people at the table occasionally glanced at it, wondering what TV series is so attractive. Lu Xingzhou was monitoring the ratings of the wild rankings in real time with his mobile phone. When the TV show showed Cousin Shuang Bai visiting Chu Yongyan, the ratings skyrocketed all the way to the top. When the screen switched to other actors, the ratings dropped and returned to the original state of relatively stable growth. When Shuang Bai appeared again, the ratings reappeared in this state.

Lu Xingzhou also found that when Shuang Bai appeared on the TV screen, his family members could not help but cast their eyes on the TV. When Shuang Bai was no longer on the screen, they would talk in a low voice, or they would just bow their heads and play with their phones.

After the first episode was finished, the clips in the trailer of the second episode were all scenes with frost and white, mainly the two scenes of shedding tears to the moon and being tenacious to die, and only showing the scene of her starting to walk and falling down in the part of walking the charcoal, very annoying.

Lu Xingzhou also watched helplessly as the ratings soared to the highest point of this episode during the trailer.

When the commercial was being cut on TV, someone at the table couldn't help but said, "Who is that little girl playing Shuang Bai? She looks really fresh, and her acting skills are very attractive. As soon as she appeared on the stage, I couldn't bear to look at her." I can't stop floating towards her."

For some reason, when others praised Chu Yao, Lu Xingzhou felt 10,000 times happier than when he himself was praised. Lu Xingzhou replied, "Her name is Chu Yao, and she is my artist."

As soon as Lu Xingzhou finished speaking, all the eyes of the table fell on him. His little niece was even more excited, "Little uncle, are you not lying?! I like this young lady so much, you must help me get her autographed photo! When can I go to my little uncle's company, I want to see her!"

Lu Xingzhou's cousin bluntly said, "Xingzhou, your vision is much better this time." The implication is that Lu Xingzhou was completely blind when he took Chen Cheng with him. Then the voice of the table changed, revealing his true purpose, "She doesn't have a boyfriend now, do you want to introduce me to her? After all, the fat and water don't flow to outsiders!"

Lu Xingzhou looked at his unreliable and frivolous expression. He frowned slightly, and said one word, "Get out!"

Soon the second episode began to play, and this episode was almost Chu Yao's solo show. She vividly interprets the helplessness of a delicate woman when her childhood sweetheart cousin is framed and sent to prison, but she does not make people feel disgusted at all, but can't help but pity her. When she plucked up the courage to kneel in front of her enemy and lowered her back, all the viewers in front of the TV felt their hearts tugging, feeling very sorry for this girl.

And Lu Xingzhou's family, who were having dinner together, couldn't help but watch TV in the end.

The plot progressed step by step until Shuang Bai was dressed in plain clothes, and when she walked on the charcoal fire road, she took the first foot. Lu Xingzhou suddenly raised his heart. Although he had watched Chu Yao's performance live, his emotions were still affected when he watched TV. Lu Xingzhou suddenly heard a few gasps, and he turned his head to glance at the women present.

This section of walking the road of charcoal fire is a period of torture for Shuangbai in the play, but for the audience, why not? Almost a heart was lifted to the mouth of the throat.

Lu Xingzhou, who had already watched the scene once, forgot to refresh the ratings, and stared at the TV screen without blinking. When he saw Shuang Bai in the play fell on the ground, and the snow fell silently on her face, this episode finally came to an end and cut to the ending song... Only then did Lu Xingzhou come back to his senses. When he saw it, everyone's eyes were on the TV, and they didn't seem to have recovered.

Many members of Lu Xingzhou's family are engaged in art, and they are more emotional. When they saw this kind of miserable plot, many eyes turned red. Lu Xingzhou saw his niece, cousin, and his mother were crying, and wiped away their tears.

Lu Xingzhou was speechless for a moment, and he couldn't help sending Chu Yao a WeChat message.

[Lu Xingzhou: Today’s family gathering, Shuang Bai's last scene, everyone in my family is crying.]

Lu Xingzhou finally remembered the ratings. It directly soared to a rating of 3.8, which surprised him a bit. Because it's really scary for a weekly drama to achieve such ratings. He remembered that the ratings of the highest episode of the highest-ranked TV series last year were below 5.

And on Weibo, Lu Xingzhou searched for the name of #Chu Yao#, and her Weibo square was completely exploded, and all of them were Weibo about Shuang Bai walking the road of charcoal fire. And Chu Yao's Weibo fans increased by another two million tonight, which shows the degree of terror.

Another look at the two topics of the hot search #Shuang Bai# and #Chu Yao Acting Explosion Burst# directly soared to the top ten. Seeing that the popularity is still fermenting, the ranking will continue to rise. Lu Xingzhou immediately took a screenshot of some data and sent it to Chu Yao on WeChat.

And when Lu Xingzhou worked in a circle, his family members almost calmed down. His uncle who was the director exclaimed with a look of amazement, "It's really scary for young people. There was He Chengyi in front of him, and now there is Chu Yao."

The uncle looked at Lu Xingzhou and said, "This Chu Yao is a good seedling. If I have a good script in my hand, I want to cooperate with her."

Lu Xingzhou's uncle, Lu Wenshan, is a well-known director of literary and artistic films. His films have a small audience but are very high-quality. To hit the awards, so it has always been highly respected by some actresses who want to win awards or want to transform. But Lu Wenshan has a very high vision and is extremely harsh. Few of the actors who have worked with him have worked with him for the second time.

Lu Wenshan's ability to say such words shows that he recognizes Chu Yao very much.

Lu Xingzhou smiled, and said, "Then I will remember this, uncle, you must leave the next movie to our Chu Yao."

Lu Wenshan, "Don't play tricks on me, kid, it's up to her."


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