Since the episode of Shuang Bai walking on the Charcoal Fire Road was aired, Chu Yao's acting skills and charisma have already been revealed.

Shuang Bai, a small supporting role that can't even be considered as the female number three, can't be called Chu Yao's masterpiece, but this role has brought her countless fans and popularity. At least from the perspective of Chu Yao's more than 10 million fans and her comment interaction rate, she is a small hit this time.

At least if the UP masters on many video sites edit ancient videos recently, the materials of Shuangbai in "Chang'an Moonlight" must be indispensable. The video of Shuang Bai walking the road of charcoal fire has been repeatedly used by gossip bloggers in their annual inventory, calling it the performance of the year with explosive acting skills!

Fans of "Chang'an Moonlight" originally held high the official CP of the hero and heroine, but they didn't expect to be fed a handful of candy by their cousins ​​in the process of chasing the drama, and in the end they left the heroine behind. The original fans and CP fans of "Chang'an Moonlight" were slapped in the face one by one. Before, they resisted the role of cousin, but in the process of following the drama, they all felt that they were fans of Shuang Bai, and they went against their CP... 

In the latest CP list statistics, Shuang Bai and Chu Yongyan's CP jumped to the first place.

Although many people don't want to admit it, Chu Yao has indeed become popular because of the role of Shuang Bai.

The supporting actress of a low-budget TV series became popular, even more popular than the heroine. Although Ren Bing had money to buy Weibo hot searches every week after the broadcast of "Chang'an Moonlight", anyone with a discerning eye can see that the role of Shuang Bai is more popular than the heroine. This made Ren Bing want to die. Who knew how a character who was hated by everyone like stinky sh*t would counterattack?

Ren Bing wanted to take a handful of regret medicine now, this opportunity was brought to Chu Yao by herself. Now she not only stole her limelight, but also attracted countless fans. Her behavior is completely shooting herself in the foot!


Chu Yao was not affected at all, and her mentality has always been very good. Except for going out to the supermarket recently, compared to Chu Yao before, she is often recognized by fans, and autographed group photos are indispensable.

It may be that Lu Xingzhou's investment in marketing has had an effect. Chu Yao occasionally goes up and down the hot search. Although the ranking is not very high, at least the discussion and popularity are maintained, and passers-by will not be disgusted by excessive marketing.

The filming of "Chang'an Moonlight" is coming to an end soon. Chu Yao heard from Liu Changze that Ren Bing was in a very bad mood in the crew and often lost her temper. In the last few days, she didn't go to the crew directly, and asked the director to find a stand-in actor to help her shoot.

Liu Changze ridiculed Chu Yao as Ren Bing's nemesis, and she was so angry that she couldn't pretend anymore, and her nature was exposed directly.

Chu Yao expressed her innocence, it doesn't matter to her.

Chu Yao stayed at home for a while, and finally came the day of her audition. Chu Yao came to the audition location early, but there were already quite a lot of people who came to the audition. Chu Yao observed the characteristics of the audition candidates. The first is that they are second- and third-tier stars who can often be seen on large and small screens, but they are not too popular. The second one is very beautiful, with a clean and cool temperament.

Chu Yao's looks are destined to be the focus of attention wherever she goes, so when she appeared, almost everyone present couldn't help but glance at her. Then she showed a look of "she came here too", not knowing whether she was afraid of Chu Yao, or because she thought Chu Yao had no reputation.

Chu Yao was led to a dressing room by the staff to put on a simple makeup and changed into a simple costume. Chu Yao waited for a long time before entering the audition room.

When director Wang Quan saw Chu Yao at the first sight, his eyes lit up. He searched for Chu Yao's name in his mind, and then remembered that someone had recommended Chu Yao to him. Chu Yao has recently attracted a wave of fans with the role of Shuang Bai, and she is considered a popular actress. In addition, she is beautiful and has a good figure. In fact, Wang Quan quite likes her.

The casting director asked Chu Yao a few normal questions, "Do you have any dancing skills? Do you have any experience in acting?"

The second female Lin Feifei who Chu Yao auditioned today is a glamorous female killer. The only requirement is to look beautiful and have a good figure. That's why the casting director asked.

Chu Yao thought about it, the original owner had received relevant acting training when she entered Chentian, so Chu Yao nodded and said, "I have learned it."

Chu Yao got a fight scene, and the casting director called the martial arts instructor gave Chu Yao a few moves quickly. If people who don't have any background in Pai Pao drama follow along, they will probably be dazzled by watching it, and they will be able to learn it at the same time. But Chu Yao not only has dancing skills, she was also famous for making martial arts movies in her previous life, and her fighting scenes were also outstanding at the time.

Director Wang Quan frowned. Chu Yao was so unlucky how did she get this episode? This Wu Zhi moved so fast, did she see clearly? Isn't it a waste of their time to make a mess right away?

In this fight scene, Chu Yao fights with martial arts. The movements of this fight scene are quite difficult, combining the softness of dance and the sharpness of martial arts.

Chu Yao was unlucky to get this part, and everyone present looked at Chu Yao with contempt for the show.

As soon as Chu Yao made a move, she knew if there was one. As soon as she moved, she was full of style immediately, and her flamboyant and charming aura suddenly changed, taking on a bit of indifference and mystery. Her movements were clean and quick, her eyes were tightly locked, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if the first snow of this winter had condensed, cold and lonely.

When she lowered her waist, her waist was soft, but her whole body was like a tight bow. When she slapped her palm, there was a combination of firmness and softness, as if there was a rustling wind. It was as gorgeous as a dance, but far more murderous than a dance.

When Chu Yao finished her actions, everyone was still immersed in her solo show. The experienced martial arts instructor has long been ignored by Wang Quan. He stared at Chu Yao closely with squinting eyes, not daring to let go of any expression on her face or any movement of her.

It is perfect!

Chu Yao's amazing performance made Wang Quan almost pull her to sign the contract on the spot. Wang Quan chatted with Chu Yao a few more questions about Lin Feifei's role, and the conversation became more and more pleasant. After Chu Yao was sent away, Wang Quan had completely retracted his previous evaluation of Chu Yao as a "beauty in a vase". After Wang Quan auditioned a few more people, he found out after comparing

...This actress is not as exquisite and good-looking as Chu Yao; this actress' acting skills are too dull;

After comparing and comparing, Wang Quan became more and more satisfied with Chu Yao. He went back and discussed with the producer, and he was almost ready to finalize the role.


  1. its overkill🤣 cant wait till everyone chase and give first roles to her


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