Chu Yao's finale scene was extremely vigorous and left a deep impression on many people. The director had been thinking about Chu Yao's textbook-like acting skills, so he recommended an audition to Chu Yao. This audition was still a movie, and the director Wang Quan was also a well-known director of commercial films in the circle.

From part of the script given to Chu Yao, this time the character is set to be a female killer. The surface is delicate enough to confuse opponents, but the heart is cold-blooded and ruthless. Just looking at the superficial character design, it actually looks quite similar to Shuang Bai.

Chu Yao actually doesn't like this character, the character is too flat and there is no sense of surprise. But she is poor, she is so vulgar, and she bows down for five buckets of rice. The investment in this movie is huge, so the salary is quite a lot. For Chu Yao, who is now so poor that she can hardly lift the lid, she can try it.

After all, she is just a small 18-line actor, not a noble artist.

Except for this movie audition and the invitation to the National Arts Red Carpet Ceremony, Chu Yao really didn't have any announcements. The red carpet ceremony is not a high-profile red carpet, anyway, there are countless various ceremonies at the end of the year. Sometimes there are not enough big names, so it is also very common to invite some 18-line players to make up the head.

The first episode of "Actor" was officially broadcast on the evening of the 1st.

Liu Changze's parents fell in love with Chu Yao after watching two episodes of "Chang'an Moonlight". Liu Changze did not dare to show his parents the scene where Chu Yao walked the charcoal fire road, for fear that they would not let him in. After all, Shuang Bai did this to save Chu Yongyan. The first episode of "Actor" aired in the evening, and Liu's parents specifically told Liu Changze to go home early.

Liu Changze said with a face full of tears. In previous years, their family members went out to watch fireworks or go to movies. This year, they chose to stay at home because of Chu Yao's fans pursuit of variety shows... So Chu Yao must be their biological daughter, and he was picked up!

When the time came, the Liu family's parents were already sitting in front of the TV and waiting. Both of them held an iPad in their hands, and were going to use the website "Actor" to broadcast live. The live broadcast had barrage. Liu Changze couldn't help feeling that the old people chasing a star is also 666, which is not inferior to today's young people.

As the progress bar of the program was slowly pulled back, the expressions on the faces of Liu's parents became more and more impatient, almost collapsed on the sofa, and kept asking Liu Changze, "Why hasn't Chu Yao come out yet?"

Otherwise, just complaining vigorously, "What are these people acting? The judges are blind and praising them? Only He Chengyi has a little bit of a stand."

Liu Changze could only keep explaining to the second elder of his family, "Chu Yao is the in the third group, they will come out in a while."

When the second group of actors called the curtain call, the three members of the Liu family immediately synchronized their movements and expressions, and stared at the TV screen with wide eyes... Chu Yao appeared on the screen, wearing refreshing light makeup, but with her appearance, the audience's eyes were inexplicably attracted to her.

Then Liu's parents turned into human flesh barrage.

Mother Liu said after a while, "Yaoyao is refreshing and beautiful. She is different from the previous two groups of female stars. I like it."

Father Liu said, "Chu Yao came first, she is punctual and polite."

Liu Changze was very speechless, his old parents have completely turned into Chu Yao fans now.

When Chu Yao read the script at a glance and began to play two roles as if she changed her face, Liu Changze was stunned for a moment... Chu Yao's coquettish operation is completely a RMB player's cheating game, and she doesn't leave anyone a chance to survive.

Mother Liu on the other end whispered in surprise, "Yaoyao is amazing, she memorized the lines so quickly~ These two roles are both very good, and Chu Yao controls the role of Lin Guiren better than Zhao Ya!"

As a tenth-level scholar of "The Prosperous Age", Mother Liu has watched this TV series five times, so she has quite a say.

Father Liu also said, "The Yubi concubine is also played well, dignified and elegant without losing her character."

Liu Changze faced his parents' Chu Yaofeng with a blank expression on his face, as long as they were happy.

When "Actor" was released, Feng Shanshan and Ren Bing went to the rehearsal room, and the atmosphere became a bit of a rivalry because they fought for the role of Lin Guiren. As a result, both of them got the role with the same lines, while Chu Yao only got the role A maid character with only three lines... This picture looks funny no matter how it looks.

Liu Changze was almost dying of laughter. Feng Shanshan and Ren Bing looked like two ignorant clowns. No one knew how they would feel when the two see this show.

Anyway, Liu Changze was about to succumb to Chu Yao's admiration, and her operation was simply 666, which opened his eyes.

Sure enough, Mother Liu started to brag again, "Hey, it's still Yaoyao who knows the general idea, has good acting skills and knows how to be modest. I don't know what's going on with the other two girls. That Feng Shanshan should be considered a senior. Why does she look so fierce?" 

When the three of them started their official PK, watching Feng Shanshan and Ren Bing's performance, Mother Liu, a tenth-level scholar in "The Prosperous Age", rolled her eyes to the sky, "It's really making my eyes hot, these two people are really too noisy! There is no tacit understanding at all."

When the little maid played by Chu Yao arrived late and was slapped to the ground by Ren Bing, Liu Changze could hear his parents gasp. When the little maid was dragged down, both Father Liu and Mother Liu's eyes were red.

Father Liu, "The three lines are all performed so well. The little girl Chu Yao has a bright future."

Mother Liu said with a look of hatred, "Why did Ren Bing hit so hard? Does she have a grudge against Yaoyao? Or is it because of herself? Are you jealous of Yaoyao because of bad acting skills?"

Based on Liu Changze's understanding of Chu Yao, how could she really let Ren Bing slap her? So it was probably borrowed, but the borrowing was too ingenious, and Chu Yao's reaction to the beating was also well acted, so only Ren Bing silently swallowed the knocked out teeth.

When it came time to vote, the show first announced the votes of the audience, Chu Yao was widened by Feng Shanshan and Ren Bing. When it was time to announce the votes of the second judge, Chen Yushuang, Satellite TV entered the advertising time in a special way.

The parents of Liu's family who were aroused by their curiosity stood up nervously from the sofa, but when they saw that the TV suddenly switched to an advertisement, the two elderly people were so angry that they started to curse!

In order to comfort his parents, Liu Changze revealed the spoiler, "Chen Yushuang and He Yingdi should have voted for Chu Yao, because she was promoted to cooperate with He Yingdi." 

As a result, his parents turned their eyebrows at him coldly, "Did we want you to spoil it?!"

During the commercial time, Liu's parents began to discuss the barrage broadcast live on the website.

Mother Liu, "There is a barrage here saying that "Actor" has a shady scene, and Yaoyao can advance to the next level with only three lines?? Huh, even if she only has three lines, she can act the best. Don't the audience have eyes?"

Mother Liu, "This barrage says that Yaoyao and He Chengyi are recreating the classic "Blind Man"! It turned out to be "Blind Man", my favorite movie when I was young, and I am a big fan of Film Empress Chu!"

Mother Liu, "This barrage is quite discerning, saying that Yaoyao's acting skills are so good at such a young age."


Another place in S City is not as happy as the Liu family.

Tang Mingyuan and Ren Bing reconciled again, and the two of them were also watching the show "Actor" in the villa.

Ren Bing had already inoculated Tang Mingyuan in advance, "Chu Yao advanced in all three lines? I don't know how He Chengyi chose her? If it weren't for her vixen face, how could He Chengyi choose her? You men's inferiority!"

Ren Bing kicked Tang Mingyuan a little while speaking.

However, Tang Mingyuan held Ren Bing's face and kissed it, "That's right, we men all look at faces, so I like you." Ren Bing smiled smugly.

When Ren Bing saw Chu Yao playing two roles in the rehearsal room, she jumped up from the sofa angrily and cursed, "This scheming bitch! She played me and Feng Shanshan!"

Ren Bing saw that some people on the Internet are already laughing at her and Feng Shanshan, and she smashed all the water glasses on the coffee table angrily. She immediately called the agent to publicize this matter.

After the phone call, Ren Bing lay in Tang Mingyuan's arms and cried, "I think she gave her this opportunity to appear on "Actor" without telling her pity, and she shamed me by playing such a trick!"

Tang Mingyuan patted Ren Bing's tenderly. Her face was dark and difficult to understand, "Okay, Bingbing, you are the kindest, I know it all."

Ren Bing sobbed bitterly, "I have done my best!" She added in her heart, Chu Yao, I will not let you go!


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