New Year bonus chapters 3/5


Qin Fang is a loyal fan of the novel "Chang'an Moonlight". As a brain-dead book fan, she must call the protagonists Chu Yongyan and Jian Rong! For the ending that the two of them BE and were not together, she has super deep resentment. So Qin Fang hates the role of Bailianhua's cousin Shuang Bai so much.

No matter how the novel is adapted, book fans will always feel that the film and television drama adaptation is not good. There are a lot of praises for "Chang'an Moonlight" on the Internet, but Qin Fang still feels that the adaptation is so-so. In the process of chasing the drama, Qin Fang was attracted by Liu Changze, who played Chu Yongyan, and became one of many fans. She has never missed the TV series update of "Changan Moonlight" every week. Qin Fang, who is familiar with the original work, of course knows that his cousin will appear in the latest episode!

How much does Qin Fang hate the role of cousin? Even if her favorite Hua Dan Zhou Keke came to play this role, she still can't like this role.

As Liu Changze's fan girl, Qin Fang joined the penguin group of Liu Changze's National Fan Support Association early on. Every day in my spare time after work, she would swipe Liu Changze's beautiful photos in the group, chat about gossip, and then go to the rankings.

During the lunch break today, Qin Fang suddenly saw such a message in the fan group -

[King Liu Jiajun: Damn, hurry up and see who our idol followed, it turned out to be...]

[The willow tree in front of my house: It turned out to be Chu-Yao! ! ! ]

[Tell me not to talk about Liu: Which Chu Yao? Could it be the Chu Yao that Mr. He paid attention to a few days ago? ?!]

[Great King Liu Jiajun: It's her, it's her, it's her! Where the hell is this woman? At the beginning, it was said on the Internet that she was a junior in the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan, but I have eaten melons!]

[Wanli Nagasawa: There should be a cooperation... Could it be "Chang'an Moonlight"?]


Seeing this, Qin Fang couldn't help but feel her eyelids twitch, as if she had sensed something. She opened the official Weibo of "Chang'an Moonlight", and sure enough, the latest news on the official Weibo was the release of the stills of the character Shuang Bai.

[Chang'an Yuexia official Weibo: Lang came on a bamboo horse and went around the bed to make green plums. Living together in Changqian, the two little ones have no suspicions. Welcome to our Shuangbai Cousin ~@Chu Yao]

Qin Fang was taken aback when she saw the stills. The background is white snow, covered in silver, and Frostwhite is wearing a red cape. She didn't know what caused her to be quite excited, her cheeks were slightly red, her eyes were shining, and there was a faint taste of beauty in her frailty, Qin Fang was taken aback for a moment by seeing her beauty.

When Qin Fang saw the second still photo, she soon knew why Shuang Bai had such an expression. The second still photo shows Chu Yongyan dancing his sword in the snow. He is looking at Shuang Bai with a smile on his lips. And Shuang Bai also looked at him, and smiled slightly, as if there was a thousand words to say between the two.

As a single dog, Qin Fang couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of saliva, it seemed that she was being abused.

The third still photo is a moving picture, Shuang Bai is playing the piano in the water pavilion, with a graceful posture.

Qin Fang seems to be able to see the life given to this character by an actor through this screen, and the joy, anger, sorrow and joy can affect every audience. As a brainless fan, Qin Fang turned her fan into a passerby fan just because of a few photos.

Qin Fang thought to herself, if Shuang Bai is really such a delicate girl, she deserves to be so cherished by Chu Yongyan. If the two childhood sweethearts have such a deep friendship, it is no wonder that Chu Yongyan has always missed her.

Qin Fang clicked on the comment under this Weibo with some mixed feelings;

[Liu Dawang Wang Sui: Is this Daliu's cousin? Looks so iconic?]

[Chang'an Coke: F*ck, this is absolutely white! No wonder Chu Yongyan never forgets! I mourn for Jian Rong for two seconds now, no wonder I can't beat her cousin! 】

[Yan Rongyongzai: Cousin Bailianhua only knows how to sell miserably! ! ! Jian Rong and Chu Yongyan are official matchmakers! No matter how good-looking she is, she's still a stinky mistress!]

[Bing Bingliang: F#cking b*tch, it’s not enough to be a mistress in real life, but she also wants to get involved in our new Bingbing drama, and she also needs to be a mistress in TV dramas??! A b*tch is a b*tch, your mother, grandma, and your whole family are all professional juniors, so they are here to sell them!]

[Ren Jiajun: Everyone, don't be fooled by her appearance. I'm here to popularize science. Chu Xiaosan has been in the profession for three hundred years, and she wants to be shameless. She likes to pester Ren Bing like brown sugar! Such a shameless woman should have gotten out of the entertainment industry long ago!]

Qin Fang hasn't been in the fan circle for long, and she hasn't seen how terrible the scolding between these fans is. Looking at her frosty and white face as bright as the moonlight, and seeing these vicious hot comments, she felt a little distressed for Chu Yao for some reason.

Qin Fang couldn't help but replied "Bing Bingliang", "Please pay attention to the words used on the Internet, it's too ugly to open your mouth to say 'b*tch'."

As a result, Qin Fang didn't post this comment for half a minute, and was rejected by the other party, also chased and scolded.

[Bing Bingliang: Does Chu Yao b*tch have fans these days? Also became a white lotus? Ho ho freedom of speech on the Internet, I don't care if I scold you badly, how far can you go with your house?]

[Bing Bingliang: Is Weibo run by your family? If you have the skills, don’t surf the Internet and help you save traffic and electricity bills! Spicy chicken!]

[Bing Bingliang: What kind of master is there, what kind of slave is there? Are you also a mistress in your life, so you like to speak for the bitch so much?]

Qin Fang's scalp felt a little numb looking at such comments. Could it be possible that all kinds of vicious words can be said across the Internet? Just to be happy chasing a star chart, but also to rise to life attack?

No wonder fans say that fans pay the bill as idols, Qin Fang has a deep understanding today. She used to turn Ren Bing into a fan because of the role of Jian Rong, but now she immediately turned black because of the comments made by her family's idiotic fans. By the way, Qin Fang felt a little more sympathy for Chu Yao, let alone whether it was true or not that she intervened in Ren Bing's relationship before, just saying that she was chased and scolded by Ren Bing's idiot fans, it was pitiful enough.

Qin Fang followed Chu Yao's Weibo, and found out that Chu Yao didn't wear the makeup of the character, and she was completely beautiful in real life! As a loyal face dog, Qin Fang immediately licked the screen.

Qin Fang went to Liu Changze's weibo again, and found that her idol could not wait to forward the "Chang'an Moonlight" Weibo introducing her cousin. Attached is a spoof photo of the two of them.

Qin Fang couldn't help laughing when she clicked on the photo!

Liu Changze schemingly hid behind Chu Yao. In order to show his small face, most of the screen was occupied by Chu Yao's "big" face, but it did not damage Chu Yao's appearance at all. Both of them were grinning, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

Although Qin Fang has not been a fan of Liu Changze for a long time, she also knows that Liu Changze has never fired CP, and has never been particularly close to any female artist in private. He has a few female friends in the circle who also pay attention to proportion every time they take a photo. So the photo he posted today is worth thinking about.

Liu Changze's fans have a good reputation in the fan circle, but adhering to the principle of the entertainment industry's small fresh meat romance, if Liu Changze really broke out that he is in love one day, probably half of his fans will take their powder off. Although now everyone swears that they love him and love him to death...

Qin Fang is not a fan of brain-dead girlfriends, but she is still quite worried that Liu Changze will be attacked by fans because of this. She clicked on the comments on Weibo. As a result, the fans had nothing to do, and wished the two a happy cooperation.

Qin Fang took a closer look at the photo, and finally understood why the fans reacted like this. Because the two of them have no sense of CP at all! Obviously, the strong sense of childhood sweetheart CP in the stills will be sweetened to death! But in this photo, although Qin Fang, who is a fan, doesn't want to admit it, Liu Changze is indeed quite cowardly in front of Chu Yao... This makes Qin Fang feel ashamed.


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