
Showing posts from February, 2023


Chu Yao's live broadcast debut, Chen Xing obviously pushed a lot behind her back. The number of viewers online that night exceeded 15 million. When Chu Yao was halfway through the live broadcast, she had already been on Weibo's hot search, ranking from fifty-three all the way to eighth. With the increase in the number of viewers of Yihua's live broadcast, the number of Chu Yao's Weibo fans is also soaring. Chu Yao's Weibo fans rose to 15 million that night. The team's positioning of Chu Yao is correct, Chu Yao's personal charm is unstoppable. Compared to posting righteous clarifications on Weibo, it is better for Chu Yao to stand in front of the camera and clarify the facts. The result was just as they expected, whether it was fans who liked Chu Yao, passers-by fans, black fans who hated her, or passers-by who were attracted by the gimmicks of the celebrity's live broadcast, as long as they entered Chu Yao's live broadcast room, there wa


As He Chengyi’s die-hard fan, Wu Xingxing is in front of beauty, she still can't help but climb the wall, that's right, she has fallen in love with Chu Yao completely since watching the scene of her cousin in "Chang'an Moonlight"! How could there be such a pure and lovely woman as Meidi! ! ! In the last scene where the cousin got the lunchbox, Wu Xingxing's tears were all dried up, and she was still sentimental for several days. Since she fell in love with Chu Yao, Wu Xingxing has added all her previous works. But Wu Xingxing couldn't find the thumping feeling in "Chang'an Moonlight" and "Actor" at she felt that this was an extremely unsolvable problem. This time Chu Yao was broadcasting live on Yihua Live, Wu Xingxing had already moved the small bench and waited. The live broadcast started two minutes earlier than the scheduled time, and Wu Xingxing entered the live broadcast room and saw Chu Yao's embarrassme


Chu Yao's team has been building momentum on Weibo several days in advance. No matter how Chu Yao's Weibo fans are over ten million, the popularity of the topic has not faded. There is quite a sense of echo in this campaign. Chu Yao did the live broadcast directly in the bedroom without even turning on the light, all she wanted was this down-to-earth feeling. When Chu Yao was still lying on the table eating snail powder, she was directly tricked by Lu Xingzhou and turned on the live camera. Before Chu Yao could react, she stared at the phone screen for a few seconds with her eyes wide open, and immediately pushed the screw powder in her hand to the side. With a fluttering gaze at the direction of the camera, her big eyes begged for mercy to the audience who had already entered the live channel, "Everyone forget that scene just now, and don't take screenshots!!! The director of the new play said I was too fat now, if he knew that I eat so at night, he will definitely k


The day when Chu Yao promised He Chengyi to audition has come. The quality of the film that He Chengyi will take on will not be low, and the configuration is even top-notch. The gold medal screenwriter Qin Song and the second gold director Wei Hongying joined forces to create a commercial blockbuster with large investment and production. Once this configuration is released, it will definitely have a high box office and high exposure. Such a piece of fat, of course everyone wants to come up and take a bite. There are talks that the movie has invested more than 100 million yuan in service, let alone built a film and television city specially for movie services. This is a big deal! The movie is called "Dynasty", and this time He Chengyi chose a film studio for the first time. The role of the second male villain will be played. The name of the character is Shen Ye. From the son of the concubine to the prince to the emperor, he is hypocritical, cunning, cruel, and will do


He Chengyi has just mentioned that Chu Yao is signing a contract with Chenxing. The next day, Chenxing dispatched a team of lawyers to help Chu Yao resolve matters related to the termination of the contract. This made Chu Yao have to lament the gap between Chenxing and Chentian. Back then, the original owner had just been tapped into the entertainment circle and signed a five-year contract with a liquidated damages of one million. Maybe Chentian didn't expect to become popular with the original owner's aptitude at that time. If Chen Tian knew that she was going to sign Chenxing after the contract was terminated, with Chen Tian's pissing nature, at least a layer of skin would be peeled off her body, and she would definitely bleed profusely. Simply because the incident happened suddenly, Chenxing's side moved so fast that Chen Tian's side was caught off guard. Chu Yao is not a good person, how could she allow herself to be obediently sucked blood. She ask


Before Chu Yao signed a contract with the film crew, the news of her audition seemed to have been exposed on Weibo. [Big cousin in entertainment: It is reported that the second female lead of the martial arts masterpiece "A Sword in Allure" directed by Wang Quan has been confirmed, and she is a recently popular actress. Key word: cousin. 】 Recently, it has become popular again, and because of the role of cousin, is there anyone else besides Chu Yao who has become popular again? This gossip blogger was short of naming Chu Yao by name. Before the contract is signed, there will be many variables. In addition, the second female lead in "A Sword in Allure" is really a pretty good cake. There are quite a few people competing with Chu Yao, and even more jealous people. The gossip blogger who broke the news did not stop again, when her last Weibo commented more than a thousand. She reposted a weibo account of a young 18-line actor. [Big cousin of enterta


Since the episode of Shuang Bai walking on the Charcoal Fire Road was aired, Chu Yao's acting skills and charisma have already been revealed. Shuang Bai, a small supporting role that can't even be considered as the female number three, can't be called Chu Yao's masterpiece, but this role has brought her countless fans and popularity. At least from the perspective of Chu Yao's more than 10 million fans and her comment interaction rate, she is a small hit this time. At least if the UP masters on many video sites edit ancient videos recently, the materials of Shuangbai in "Chang'an Moonlight" must be indispensable. The video of Shuang Bai walking the road of charcoal fire has been repeatedly used by gossip bloggers in their annual inventory, calling it the performance of the year with explosive acting skills! Fans of "Chang'an Moonlight" originally held high the official CP of the hero and heroine, but they didn't expect to be fe


Lu Xingzhou never expected that Chu Yao just went for a walk on the red carpet and did nothing, and attracted a wave of fans. He hasn't come to buy any zombie fans for Chu Yao's Weibo, and Chu Yao's Weibo fans have easily exceeded 10 million. Chu Yao's latest Weibo is a selfie taken before she walks on the national art red carpet. It has been retweeted and commented easily over 10,000 times. The activeness of this fan is easily leveraged. Lu Xingzhou clicked on the comments under this Weibo, and everyone was expressing their love for Chu Yao. Lu Xingzhou's face was red when he saw that passionate confession... This is really a world that depends on faces! It was the first time that Lu Xingzhou felt an unprecedented sense of frustration from Chu Yao. Since she came out of the snow after being hidden by the company, whether it is her appearance, temperament, acting skills or fandom, she has improved completely without a teacher. If Chu Yao's appearance hadn'