Chu Yao's team has been building momentum on Weibo several days in advance. No matter how Chu Yao's Weibo fans are over ten million, the popularity of the topic has not faded. There is quite a sense of echo in this campaign.

Chu Yao did the live broadcast directly in the bedroom without even turning on the light, all she wanted was this down-to-earth feeling. When Chu Yao was still lying on the table eating snail powder, she was directly tricked by Lu Xingzhou and turned on the live camera.

Before Chu Yao could react, she stared at the phone screen for a few seconds with her eyes wide open, and immediately pushed the screw powder in her hand to the side. With a fluttering gaze at the direction of the camera, her big eyes begged for mercy to the audience who had already entered the live channel, "Everyone forget that scene just now, and don't take screenshots!!! The director of the new play said I was too fat now, if he knew that I eat so at night, he will definitely kill me!"

Just as Chu Yao finished speaking, a row of barrages flew out on the screen.

[Poison in the middle of the night! I want to report!]

[Hahahaha everyone, hurry up and take a screenshot, and I will post it on Weibo Aite Director 233333 in the future]

[Does Goddess have a new drama?]

[It started early? Thankfully I came early!]

[QAQ, is Yaoyao without makeup? so beautiful!]

[Which brand of snail noodles is it? It looks delicious!]

[Hahaha Yaoyao, you are not fat at all, are the requirements for new dramas so high?]

[How dare a bitch live broadcast! Spicy chicken character! Get out of the showbiz!]

Chu Yao quickly scanned through the messages, picked out the answers to the questions, and said brokenly, "Good XX brand snail noodles, it's so poisonous, I can't stop it for a moment! I don't think I'm fat, but there's a new movie on my hands, and it's about dancing, so I need to lose weight!!!”

When it was officially 8 o’clock, the live broadcast room froze for a moment, and then the number of viewers in the background increased exponentially! The screen was also stuck for a minute before the problem was resolved. You must know that Yihua Live is the largest live broadcast website in China, and it is rare to encounter such a situation, so it can be seen that the situation of Chu Yao's live broadcast is very hot this time.

When the picture returned to normal again, Chu Yao seemed to be sitting upright. The new audience was taken aback by her appearance, but she suddenly changed her face and said with a smile, "Hi~ I'm Chu Yao, everyone, welcome to my live broadcast room. If you have any questions, you can ask as much as you want. This live broadcast is going to share some news while I chat with you. But let me make an announcement first. I have terminated the contract with Chentian and signed with a new agency. "

Chu Yao's expression was particularly vivid and contagious during the live broadcast, and her voice was playful and sexy. The fans watching the live broadcast were completely attracted by her, and their emotions also changed with Chu Yao's changes!

Chu Yao was talking on her own, the news had already been revealed between the words, and then a crazy barrage flew by.

[Why did you terminate the contract with Chentian? White-eyed wolf!]

[Chentian has treated Yaoyao coldly many times, it is right to leave Chentian!]

[Is it because of Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan? I heard that Ren Bing's family has shares in Chentian?]

[Meddling in the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan, bullying Tian Xin, you can't get along in Chentian!]

[It's great that the goddess has a new plan~ Blessings!]

Chu Yao continued to reply, "I mainly clarify three issues today~ First, I have never been involved in the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan. We were together two years ago and broke up this year. Of course, I have evidence in my hand, yes." Chu Yao directly took out the ipad, opened the photo album, and there were intimate photos of the original owner and Tang Mingyuan when they collaborated on "Be Careful", as well as screenshots of WeChat conversations displayed with time.

Chu Yao smiled, with a rather lonely expression on her face, "As for why it was not made public before, some of the reasons are unclear."

Chu Yao didn't say anything bad about Tang Mingyuan, Ren Bing and Chentian Film and Television. But she produced evidence, as if she had already led the audience to think about it.

Since Chu Yao and Tang Mingyuan had been together for two years and only broke up this year, it was obvious that someone had backfired when it was said on Weibo that Chu Yao had intervened with Tang Mingyuan and Ren Bing!

Why Chu Yao was attacked so badly at that time, but she didn't dare to release these evidences, it was not due to Chen Tian's despotic power. Now that she finally left Chentian, she finally dared to expose the truth.

The ability of netizens to make up brains is very strong. With just a few words from Chu Yao, they have completely restored the facts. Netizens felt very sorry for this girl when they saw Chu Yao's face pretending to be strong and calm.

Even though she had been involved in her feelings, she still had to be labeled as a mistress! Being chased and scolded by so many people!

Netizens remembered that they had eaten melons from the three of Chu Yao on Weibo, and felt a little ashamed when they thought about it, so they began to send gifts.

Seeing so many people giving her gifts, Chu Yao immediately stopped them and said, "Don't waste your money, buy some food for your parents instead. It's the end of the year, and it's snowing in many places, so buy yourself a better quality down jacket. If you If you want to support me, when the movie I act in is released, everyone go to the cinema to support me~" 

What Chu Yao said was sincere, and many viewers were very moved... This little girl is real, it hurts.

Chu Yao continued, "The second thing is that there is absolutely nothing about the default role in "A Sword in Allure". If I was preset, I should have joined the group by now, okay? This world is so difficult, is it because I look so good? Mei, my acting skills are good, so people will suspect that I have been assigned a role by default? Will I be said to have been appointed by default for any role I get in the future? Then I am really wronged, more wronged than Dou E!" Although she has just been appointed by default A role~

Chu Yao's rather playful words immediately made the audience smile knowingly, yes, Chu Yao is good-looking, and her acting skills are not bad. Isn't it normal for the producer to ask her to act in a play? There are too many people with rhythm on Weibo before! People who follow what others say don't even know how they are using their brains.

Just as Chu Yao was about to say something, it suddenly appeared on the page that someone had smashed 20 luxury yachts for her, and the price was calculated according to the gifts on Yihua Live. A luxury yacht is equal to 1314 yuan, and this rich fan gave her five-figure gifts at once.

Chu Yao was stunned for half a second, and then smiled, "The kid from yaoyao1234, I have received your wish, but I still want you to follow the stars rationally~ If you regret it, you can private message me, and then I can refund the money to you."

Netizens who watched the live broadcast were dying of laughter, how the hell is Chu Yao so cute... and this local tyrant fan who tipped, Chu Yao even said that she didn't need to tip and still tipped, maybe they did it deliberately to attract Chu Yao's attention Bar!

Then they can only lament that this wave of operations is too coquettish. 


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