As He Chengyi’s die-hard fan, Wu Xingxing is in front of beauty, she still can't help but climb the wall, that's right, she has fallen in love with Chu Yao completely since watching the scene of her cousin in "Chang'an Moonlight"! How could there be such a pure and lovely woman as Meidi! ! ! In the last scene where the cousin got the lunchbox, Wu Xingxing's tears were all dried up, and she was still sentimental for several days.

Since she fell in love with Chu Yao, Wu Xingxing has added all her previous works. But Wu Xingxing couldn't find the thumping feeling in "Chang'an Moonlight" and "Actor" at all...so she felt that this was an extremely unsolvable problem.

This time Chu Yao was broadcasting live on Yihua Live, Wu Xingxing had already moved the small bench and waited. The live broadcast started two minutes earlier than the scheduled time, and Wu Xingxing entered the live broadcast room and saw Chu Yao's embarrassment after stealing the snail noodles... Hahahaha, she burst out laughing!

How could there be such a cute girl as Chu Yao!

Then seeing Chu Yao clarify the facts, Wu Xingxing couldn't help but feel sorry for Chu Yao. Chentian Film and Television is simply a black-hearted workshop! Chu Yao's beautiful acting skills are so good, to be ravaged and wasted by the company just because of a relationship, it's a waste of money!

When Chu Yao clarified Tian Xin's revelation, she couldn't help laughing. Her eyebrows are curved, and his slender eyelashes tremble slightly. Wu Xingxing can see the beautiful arc of those eyelashes, which inexplicably tickles everyone's heart.

Chu Yao said with a smile, "Actually, I don't like chicken soup very much. Even if I drink chicken soup, I usually cook it myself. My cooking skills are not bad. I can cook live broadcast when I have time... and if the chicken soup is very hot, if I splash it on her, there will definitely be scars. If my ex-assistant is willing to expose the scalded scars, then I have nothing to say."

Chu Yao shrugged and said helplessly, "Let's talk about that time when Guoyi walked on the red carpet. The red dress I bought was lent to me by the brand, so I have to take the initiative to give it up to others, am I a fool?"

Wu Xingxing couldn't help laughing when she heard Chu Yao say this!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! How can there be such a cute girl as Chu Yao, of course you are not stupid! It's your ex-assistant with a black conscience!

Chu Yao supported her pointed chin with her hands, and blinked towards the camera, her eyes were charming, and her brows and eyes looked bright. Chu Yao has been in front of the camera for decades, and the concept of showing her charm with every move has been engraved in her bones. At this moment, Chu Yao's hormones erupted, and men and women were shot indiscriminately, causing the audience watching the live broadcast to see their little hearts beating wildly and their noses bleeding.

Clearly Chu Yao didn't make any provocative gestures on purpose, but just one look from her can make you so dazed that you can't find things.

Wu Xingxing, who was watching this live broadcast, never knew that watching a female celebrity live broadcast could still get her red-faced. She was clearly oriented towards normal, okay? And now Chu Yao has surpassed He Chengyi's position in Wu Xingxing's heart, and has risen to become her natal idol!

"As for what she said about hiring me a big-name makeup artist, it's even more false. Because I did the makeup on the red carpet day by myself, and I even curled my hair." Chu Yao took out her cosmetics basket and the curling iron. She said solemnly to the live viewers, "Okay, then today we will officially enter the theme. I will teach you a simple and coquettish red carpet makeup, which is especially suitable for the company's annual meeting and girlfriends' gathering at the end of the year. Come on, everyone. Take notes with your notebook~"

Countless viewers who were lying on the bed watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing when their phones and iPads hit their faces directly because of Chu Yao's words.

Just now officially getting into the topic?

Chu Yao demonstrated with her life that a star who doesn't want to be a beauty blogger is not a good star!

But Chu Yao obviously didn't just talk casually, she really taught makeup seriously. Chu Yao picked up a bottle of liquid foundation, and while using the wet beauty sponge to apply the base makeup, she emphasized, "I have already applied a moisturizing mask before applying the base makeup, and moisturized before makeup. Now it's winter, so it is relatively dry, and if the moisturizing work is not done well, the sides of the nose are easy to get powdery. Of course, you should also pay attention to sun protection in autumn and winter."

Chu Yao did not turn on filters or beauty makeup at all in this live broadcast, and she appeared in the camera without makeup. There were no blemishes visible on her skin, it was as white and smooth as a tender egg that had been peeled off its shell, with a warm luster. Chu Yao's face looked more refined and flawless after putting on the foundation makeup, and the liquid foundation perfectly matched her skin tone.

So a group of bullet screens below were frantically asking her what kind of liquid foundation this was. Even the black fans who were crazy about Chu Yao's content in the bullet screen at the beginning couldn't help but change their tone and ask the question.

Wu Xingxing is also a small beauty expert. She is keen to collect popular online beauty makeup products on the Internet. She has never seen this liquid foundation. She thought that this liquid foundation is either a niche brand or a big brand famous series. But seeing Chu Yao's makeup effect after applying this liquid foundation, Wu Xingxing also immediately wanted this liquid foundation.

Chu Yao glanced at the barrage and replied, "This is ME's celebrity liquid foundation. I use the whitest color number #01. The makeup effect of this liquid foundation is heavy, but the makeup will look delicate. It’s not everyday, it’s suitable for dancing, taking photos, or attending red carpets.”

Although Chu Yao said so, Wu Xingxing was still so excited that she was planted gorgeously, so she couldn’t help but go to the ME cosmetics flagship store and ordered a bottle. Wu Xingxing's order was fast enough, but she glanced at the inventory and was glad that she was fast.

Viewers like Wu Xingxing are obviously not in the minority, because she has seen a bunch of barrage messages saying that this liquid foundation in the flagship store and official website has been sold out.

Wu Xingxing's journey of chopping hands has just begun. Because Chu Yao's products, whether it's setting makeup, drawing eyebrows, eye shadow, highlighting eye shadow, and lipstick, Wu Xingxing has been planted almost all of them. Except for a few popular products that she already owns, all others have been ordered.

Wu Xingxing's heart was bleeding, and her hands were aching, but she... was so happy!

Countless viewers were doing the same thing as Wu Xingxing, and the tens of thousands of bullet screens flying by made the screen freeze for a few seconds, and the aspirations of the masses could almost be seen.

[Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! It's already a small one thousand! ]

[Yaoyao is poisonous, why can't my hands stop!]

[All buy! ! ! Aobai is in pain and joy!]

[Kneeling and begging Yaoyao to go back to acting! I really can't stand you being a beauty blogger... shivering and clutching my empty wallet!]

[Lipstick looks good! All shades are included!]

Chu Yao flicked her wavy hair that she had just permed with a curling iron, and flirted with the camera in a coquettish way, saying, "Chu Yao's red carpet imitation makeup is over here today. Here I need to remind everyone that you need to be cautious when planting grass, and be more careful when picking your hands. Beauty makeup is not a necessity, just buy what you need, and don’t blindly follow the trend to plant grass~"

Yes, yes, yes, yes! Everything you say is right!

Wu Xingxing cried and gave Chu Yao a thumbs-up to buy presents. Although she knew what Chu Yao said was right, she just couldn't help but buy it, woo woo woo!

Chu Yao was wearing simple home clothes. She stood up, put a scarf on the table over her body, and began to imitate her posture on the red carpet that day. She didn’t forget to teach the audience, “The most important thing when walking on the red carpet is momentum! No matter what kind of clothes you wear, you have to give yourself a psychological hint: I look the best in my clothes, and I am the most beautiful in the audience!” 

She walked up on her own.

Chu Yao's delicate and glamorous red carpet makeup is in sharp contrast with her casual look, which was very funny. Countless netizens once again experienced the sour feeling of being hit by a mobile phone on the face... Hahahahahaha!

Another wave of crazy gifts came.

[User xingzhou gave a luxury yacht 30]

[User yaoyao1234 gave a luxury yacht 50]

[User Liushu gave a diamond 666]

[User Yuanyuan gave a luxury sports car 20]

[User Feilong gave a rose 666]

[User I am Mike gave Xiaojinren 666]


After the live broadcast, Chu Yao said to the few people who were not in the camera with a speechless expression, "The agreement should be kept low-key? If you have spare money, please call my Alipay directly, okay?"

Lu Xingzhou and the others stared at Chu Yao dumbfounded, their eyes shone with surprise, as if they had discovered another side of Chu Yao.

Lu Xingzhou smiled meaningfully, "Chu Yao, I didn't expect you to have the talent to be an anchor... If the entertainment industry can't survive in the future, you will have a bright future as a beauty blogger~"

Chu Yao's assistant He Yuan looked like a girl, looking at Chu Yao with deep admiration, "Sister Yaoyao, you are really amazing! I have placed an order for all the products you promoted just now!"

Chu Yao, "..." Hoho, thank you!


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