Chu Yao's live broadcast debut, Chen Xing obviously pushed a lot behind her back.

The number of viewers online that night exceeded 15 million. When Chu Yao was halfway through the live broadcast, she had already been on Weibo's hot search, ranking from fifty-three all the way to eighth. With the increase in the number of viewers of Yihua's live broadcast, the number of Chu Yao's Weibo fans is also soaring.

Chu Yao's Weibo fans rose to 15 million that night.

The team's positioning of Chu Yao is correct, Chu Yao's personal charm is unstoppable. Compared to posting righteous clarifications on Weibo, it is better for Chu Yao to stand in front of the camera and clarify the facts. The result was just as they expected, whether it was fans who liked Chu Yao, passers-by fans, black fans who hated her, or passers-by who were attracted by the gimmicks of the celebrity's live broadcast, as long as they entered Chu Yao's live broadcast room, there was almost no resistance to her charm.

The entertainment industry is a place where people look at their faces and their emotional intelligence. If Chu Yao uses these two killer weapons to the extreme, who else would not like her?

Chu Yao has a strong ability of empathy and contagion. If Chu Yao goes to pyramid schemes or scams, it will definitely be the kind that can make people feel grateful after selling people.

A few days ago, when Chu Yao said that she would broadcast live on Yihua, Ren Bing and Tian Xin didn't take this matter to heart at all, and kept running around to announce. They feel that live broadcasting is something only Internet celebrities do. It's very low. A star's live broadcasting makes people laugh out loud. Chu Yao's reputation is so bad, will anyone still watch her live broadcast? Don't scold Chu Yao all over the screen, it's better if you can't get off the stage when the time comes!

In the end, they were slapped in the face severely!

On the night of Chu Yao's live broadcast, Tian Xin was still eating with the her gold master in the western restaurant, when she suddenly received a call from her manager, she was so frightened that she knocked over the goblet full of red wine. The middle-aged man sitting across from Tian Xin's face was not very good-looking, Tian Xin observed his words, immediately apologized in a low voice and went out to answer the phone.

Tian Xin looked flustered, and whimpered, "Brother Zhang, is that woman Chu Yao trying to kill me? How could she be so cruel?! Am I going to be finished this time?"

The manager over there comforted her impatiently, saying at Tian Xin sternly, "You have to keep a bottom line in life. I told you not to talk nonsense last time on the show. You really opened your mouth to slander Chu Yao. Where are you looking for burns to clarify now?"

Tian Xin was a little guilty, but her mouth still quibbled, "She really poured chicken soup, it just didn't leave a scar."

"Okay, okay! Now that Chu Yao has terminated the contract with the company, it is not easy for the company to restrain her in this matter. You'd better contact her and apologize to her seriously. It would be best for her to take the initiative to clarify. Anyway, for you, there is still Ren Bing blocking the front, the company will never let Chu Yao ruin Ren Bing... I am a bit busy now, I am communicating with the public relations side, you'd better go home now and stay at home for the time being." After the manager said this, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

As long as Tian Xin thought that she would be like Chu Yao before, being hidden by the company and being spurned by everyone, she shivered abruptly. She had done psychological construction for herself for a long time, and finally dialed Chu Yao's mobile phone number. She almost endured great shame to do this. After all, it was the best she could do to be inferior to the person she hated the most.


A cold mechanical female voice ruthlessly came from the other end of the phone, "The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later..."

Tian Xin dialed Chu Yao's number again as if in disbelief, but unfortunately, the call still came from the other end of the phone, "The number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call later..." Tian Xin finally realized the reality... she had been blocked by Chu Yao.

Tian Xin felt chills all over her body for a moment. Judging from her manager's tone just now, it was obvious that she had already given up on her. As for the economic company she works for, Chentian Film and Television, the lessons learned by Chu Yao were right in front of her eyes. Who else can she rely on?

Tian Xin thought of her gold master, and finally summoned up some courage and confidence. As long as the gold master's heart is always on her, Chentian Film and Television cannot give up on her. Tian Xin immediately took out the lipstick and powder from her bag, and began to carefully touch up her makeup. She adjusted her best posture and walked into her seat in the restaurant, showing the most perfect smile she could show to the man opposite.

The man didn't know what happened on the Internet yet, so he was in a good mood after being coaxed by Tian Xin's sweet words. Tian Xinyan smiled and took the man's arm, and went to the shopping mall next door to buy a few designer bags. The man drove Tian Xin home in a luxury car, and the two played and made out in the car. When they got out of the car, the two wished they could become conjoined twins, and Tian Xin almost hung on the man.

When Tian Xin walked away with the man, two low-key paparazzi with cameras in their hands snuck out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, They're so hungry and thirsty, they can't help to do it in the car... Brother Zhao, shall we follow?"

"No, this is enough. This field heart is really not enough to dig, and you can dig it after two days It's such a shocking news!"

"If it's not because she offended someone, otherwise we wouldn't follow such a small star."

"After Lu Xingzhou broke up with his ex-girlfriend, the first time I saw this clay figurine, I would also be angry. ... He is quite protective of the celebrity under his hand." 

"Brother Zhao, you say it right! I am also a fan of Chu Yao, she is super beautiful!"

When Tian Xin woke up, the whole world is changed! She woke up in a daze, and saw the man putting on his pants in a panic, she smiled and asked charmingly, "What's the matter, is there something urgent? Can't you stay with me today~" Tian Xinchi was naked, she leaned over and made a gesture to hug the man. The man looked constipated, and avoided Tian Xin as if he was hiding from some pest. Speeding up the action of dressing, after putting on the coat, he took out a bank card from the bag with a look of embarrassment on his face, and threw it on the bedside table casually, "There is half a million in the card, and there is no password... It's good to get together and go away." 

Tian Xin was taken aback, tears fell down immediately, and the pear blossoms were crying like rain, "Chen Dong, what happened, why did you do this to me?" 

The man frowned deeply, 
"You go online by yourself. Take a look, don't contact me in the future."

When the man finished arranging his clothes, he turned his head and left without even looking at Tian Xin. Tian Xin immediately searched for her name on the Internet, and seeing the latest news on the headlines, she couldn't help but widen her eyes. 

[Actress Tian Xin has a passionate scuffle with a married man in the car.] 

[The director of Chentian Film and Television cheated on actress Tian Xin.]


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