[The junior assistant was originally a femme fatale, so Chu Yao slapped Tian Xin in the face during the live broadcast.]

In the middle of the night last night, Zhuifeng Studio posted a video of Tian Xin dating her gold master on Weibo. However, in just one night, Tian Xin became completely popular on the Internet, not because of her superb acting skills, but because of vicious scandals like "Car Shaking the Door". As the saying goes, good things don't go out and evil things go thousands of miles. Tian Xin, a 18-tier actress who has just gained popularity, became infamous because of this kind of thing, and her stardom in the entertainment industry was almost ruined.

When Tian Xin was shocked and flustered and couldn't help herself, her manager's phone call came, and the manager didn't restrain his anger at all, "I asked you to stay with your gold master last night, don't go anywhere! But you made me a 'car shocking door'! Now netizens use you to discredit Chentian!"

"Don't go anywhere these days, just stay at home and reflect! The company is already in public relations. "

Tian Xin asked cautiously, "When something like this happens, is the company planning to hide me?"

The manager couldn't help but sneer, "You're only thinking of the consequences now? When you followed Mr. Chen, I told you to be careful, if you are photographed by reporters, I will not be able to keep you. Mrs. Chen has already told the higher-ups to block you! What else do you think I can do?" 

Director Chen is a well-known internal fear in the circle, his family also relied on Mrs. Chen's natal family to make a fortune. Usually, Mrs. Chen would turn a blind eye when Mr. Chen went out to play around. But if any scandals were revealed, the face-saving Mrs. Chen would be the first to stand up.

Tian Xin's manager sighed, "If the paparazzi usually took pictures like this, they would have to come to Chentian for a walk before the announcement, this time there should be someone behind you who wants to punish you... During this time you should rest at home to hone your acting skills. Chu Yao was banned before, isn't she still doing well?" The agent hung up the phone hastily after finishing speaking.

What is meant by tree falling and birds scattering? Tian Xin can only understand the true meaning of this sentence today.

Her eyes were red and her face was ferocious. How much did she pay to be able to embark on this path in the entertainment industry?

Youth? Dignity? Flesh?

Why can Chu Yao make a comeback after being hacked so badly? Why can she not be given up by Lu Xingzhou? Why does she have so many nobles to help her? Why does she have so many people like her?

Tian Xin has completely entered a state of bewilderment. She suddenly remembered what her agent said just now, this time the 'car shock' was because someone was behind her back! If it is said that someone has a deep hatred with her, is there anyone else besides Chu Yao?

Tian Xin gritted her teeth and said, "Chu Yao, I won't let you go!"

——Ren Bing's team here are also dizzy like ants on a hot pot.

Ever since Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan made their relationship public half a year ago, the two of them and Chu Yao have been on opposite sides. The stronger they are, the worse Chu Yao will be. The opposite is also true, as long as Chu Yao has a bright future, Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan will be completely restrained.

After Ren Bing finished filming "Chang'an Moonlight", she traveled abroad with Tang Mingyuan. During the period, her agent mentioned that Chu Yao was going to live broadcast. When Chu Yao's live broadcast became popular, with the exposure of Tian Xin's "Chen Zhen gold master", the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan was pulled out again.

The matter of Tang Mingyuan stealing the little tender model had been dealt with coldly before, but this time it was brought up on the hot search again.

There is a gossip blogger who specially compiled the timelines of Chu Yao, Tang Mingyuan and Ren Bing. Two years ago, Tang Mingyuan and Chu Yao were both on the 38th line and no one paid attention to them, but as long as they are together, there are still traces to follow. Whether it's the photos taken by the paparazzi at the time, or the secret poking of the two to show their affection on the Weibo trumpet, it can prove that the two have really been together.

This also proves that half a year ago, the three of them made a big fuss, Chu Yao 'stepped in', and Chu Yao, the person who was cheated on, was abruptly established as a junior by the public relations.

This incident was so frightening to think about, many people who had scolded Chu Yao before ran to Chu Yao's Weibo to apologize.

[Put on a mask every day: I scolded you by the public opinion on the Internet before, and now I am sorry.]

[A cup of coffee, a cup of love: I'm here to apologize... Chu Yao, you must be happy!]

[Have some supper in the middle of the night: Chu Yao is lucky that you have already left Chentian, I hope your new company can love you well, and this kind of thing will not happen again. ]

[Confessions of an art student: Chu Yao, I'm sorry~ I've lost fans of Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan, and I've never seen such disgusting people!]

Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan returned to China immediately, so there was no time for vacation. With Chu Yao leaving Chentian, Ren Bing can no longer treat her as he pleases.

Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan's team were really overwhelmed this time.


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