If you ask Chu Yao what is the most memorable in this live broadcast, it must be her heart that wants to be a beauty blogger!

On the night of Chu Yao's live broadcast, Wu You was with the planning team in a meeting. The person in charge of the ME cosmetics flagship store over there hurriedly broke into the conference room and said, "It exploded!"

Wu You was taken aback, thinking that the warehouse exploded... It turned out that the sales volume of the store exploded during the period. Wu You was a little dumbfounded. When the person in charge uttered an astonishing number, Wu You couldn't sit still at all, and ran to the data department next door. 

As soon as Wu You saw the data in the background, he couldn't help but swear, "What the hell happened? Why is it more terrible than the double 11 sales?" 

The assistant directly handed the phone to Wu You, and the screen of the phone was playing Seeing Chu Yao's live broadcast of makeup, the little assistant said excitedly, "Chu Yao is live broadcasting at Yihua tonight. She used a lot of ME makeup for live broadcast, and then the background data exploded!"

Wu You's eyes sparkled... He thought he was just doing He Chengyi a favor out of humanitarianism, but he was actually a blind cat that picked up a dead mouse!

Wu You immediately ordered the team, "Strengthen the promotion of Chu Yao's new year's blockbuster..."

——Taking advantage of Chu Yao's live broadcast, her ME makeup New Year's blockbuster was officially released, and immediately swept a batch of buying frenzy.

City S, a bustling metropolis, attracts countless migrant workers every year. They come from all corners of the country, and they work diligently and conscientiously to make a living. Sun Meng is also one of them. She has worked hard in S City for seven years, but during this time she is suffering the most bleak moment in her life. Her boyfriend cheated on her, the company project went bankrupt and she was fired, and she couldn't find a job she wanted near the end of the year.

At this time, Sun Meng was rushing home from the interview site by subway, but this time she failed again, and the interviewer bluntly said to her, "Sorry, we are doing fashion-related work, if you take a photo before going out If you look in the mirror, you should know that you are not suitable for this job."

Sun Meng observed herself carefully from the reflection in the subway glass, is that listless, haggard, and pale woman really her? The thick dark circles under her eyes could not be covered by liquid foundation, and her lips were painted with unsuitable lipstick, which reflected her face and looked weird no matter what.

Maybe, she is really bad.

Sun Mengru thought about it.

Suddenly, a row of advertisements passed by outside the subway, and the warm red color immediately attracted Sun Meng's attention. Her eyes widened, not daring to be distracted for a moment.

The girl on the billboard was wearing a red sweater, with exquisite makeup and a bright smile, as if she had also infected Sun Meng who was gray at the moment, making her mood brighter. The girl in the advertisement is laughing, showing her white teeth; or making a face towards her... Every expression is so vivid that Sun Meng can't help but feel relaxed.

Sun Meng didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, but felt that this model looked familiar. She heard two girls dressed as college students next to her discussing.

"Wow! It's Chu Yao~ She wears ME's lipstick and it looks so good! I want to buy one!"

"I haven't seen it on the subway before, it should have come out recently... It's very pretty , I want to buy one too!"

"Wow? She looks amazing! But the ones she recommends are very easy to use, and the curly hair is super pretty!"

"Chu Yao looks so good, she suits red very well, and she looks super white!"

"Go back to the dormitory and watch the cousin's cut from "Chang'an Moonlight" and look at it again, Chu Yao in the room is really beautiful!"

"Let's go to the counter before going back, I want to buy some ME lipsticks again."

Sun Meng knew this. The model was originally called Chu Yao. She took out her mobile phone and checked "Chu Yao" on the web, and browsed through the latest news about Chu Yao. Sun Meng's eyes were slightly red. How her current state is like Chu Yao half a year ago, no, Chu Yao was much worse than her at that time! Chu Yao can stand up now and shoot such a good-looking advertisement, what right does she have to complain about herself?

Sun Meng decided to go to the ME counter in the mall before going home to buy a set of cosmetics to tidy herself up.

The promotional posters used by the ME counters in the shopping mall are exactly the same set that Chu Yao shot. Sun Meng saw that there were quite a few people queuing up to buy lipstick at the counter. If she remembered correctly, it was working hours on weekdays, and there were still so many people with free time to buy lipstick?

Sun Meng lined up consciously, and heard the aunt in front of her chatting with the cabinet sister.

The aunt asked curiously, "Why are there so many people today? My daughter asked me to buy it at work today. It seems that because Chu Yao filmed this advertisement, she likes Chu Yao very much. She is a fan of Chu Yao. In fact, I also really like this little girl, Chu Yao. I followed my daughter to watch a few episodes of "Chang'an Moonlight", but I didn't think it would make me cry to death."

The cabinet sister quickly nodded and agreed, "Actually, there were not many people a few days ago. It is indeed because after Chu Yao’s promotional video came out, there are more sales.” 

The aunt took the lipstick number her daughter wanted, and couldn’t help but bought a lipstick herself, holding the attached Chu Yao poster beautifully, she went home happily.

Sun Meng was a little embarrassed, but ME's cabinet sister enthusiastically pulled Sun Meng to help her put on a complete set of makeup. After putting on makeup, Sun Meng seemed to have a huge change in her temperament and aura. Her eyes were bright, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her lips were painted with the same color as Chu Yao. Her complexion immediately improved.

Sun Meng looked at her own changes in the mirror, and finally realized that she should treat herself better. She will always live for herself. Whether it's that scumbag who cheated on her, or the weird company boss who fired her, they are all in the past tense!

Sun Meng bought a whole set of ME cosmetics, and repeatedly asked the cabinet sister if it was from the same model as Chu Yao, which made the cabinet sister amused. In the end, when Sun Meng was leaving, the cabinet sister gave her an extra set of Chu Yao's autographed poster and a set of Chu Yao's promotional photos. When Sun Meng left, she was satisfied and full of energy.


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