The first creative party of the "Dynasty" film crew is today. Directors, screenwriters, producers, etc., male lead number one Zhang Chengyao and He Chengyi, female lead number one Zhao Shuangxue, female number two Qin Dan, of course There is also the female number three Chu Yao.

Chu Yao's table is really full of big names. Not to mention He Chengyi, Zhang Chengyao's well-known prodigal son in the entertainment circle, the rich second generation, who regards acting as a ticket, has only made five movies, and three movies have won awards. He can be regarded as a genius and monster. Zhao Shuangxue, debuted as a child star, won the three gold medals for her solid film achievements and acting skills. Qin Dan, one of the four little Hua Dan.

Chu Yao...a self-proclaimed 18th-line actress.

Chu Yao felt that it was the first time the main creators met and she couldn't be too shabby, so she dressed up a little. When she arrived at the agreed room, she just came in and took a look inside, her eyes fell on Zhang Chengyao, feeling a little unnatural. Chu Yao knew who Zhang Chengyao was from looking at his face... If you want to blame him, you can blame this junior for being too senior, and all the advantages have followed his father.

Cough, that is Chu Yao's first love in her previous life, Zhang Jinyu. They were together for five years and then broke up peacefully because of some things. After the two broke up, they were still friends. Later, Zhang Jinyu went abroad and became a famous photographer. In the blink of an eye, the son of her first love in her previous life had grown up to this size.

The seats are reserved, there are not too many chairs, and the remaining one is next to Zhang Chengyao. Chu Yao sat down beside Zhang Chengyao in Alexander's place.

Zhang Chengyao was used to flirting with girls, and the moment he saw Chu Yao, his eyes burst into undisguised amazement. Zhang Chengyao poured tea for Chu Yao naturally, and asked her about her favorite taste with the menu.

Chu Yao agreed without pressure. In her eyes, Zhang Chengyao was not enough to look at at all. Even if she saw that face, she would not have half-hearted thoughts! It was really Zhang Chengyao's crookedness that made her feel a little bit like sitting on pins and needles... She couldn't help but complain about Zhang Jinyu, how did he teach the child to look like a prodigal?

Unaware that Zhang Chengyao, who had already been labeled as a 'loafer' by Chu Yao, was still talking attentively to Chu Yao. He didn't pay attention to the different looks of the other people on the table.

Sitting across from Zhang Chengyao, Qin Dan sipped her tea politely, her eyes wandering back and forth between Zhang Chengyao and Chu Yao. After all, as Zhang Chengyao's recently rumored girlfriend, seeing Zhang Chengyao courting other women makes her feel a little uncomfortable.

The other one who couldn't sit still was of course He Chengyi. He frowned tightly when he saw Zhang Chengyao's unabashed courting to Chu Yao.

Zhang Chengyao is from Zhang Jiacheng's generation, and Zhang Jinyu is He Chengyi's distant cousin. In terms of seniority, He Chengyi still calls Zhang Chengyao his cousin. The two are cousins, but their personalities and appearances are completely different. Therefore, when they often meet in the entertainment industry, few people connect the relationship between the two.

Today, He Chengyi felt uncomfortable seeing Zhang Chengyao inexplicably. He raised his chin to Zhang Chengyao and said, "Change your position with me. I don't feel comfortable blowing on the air conditioner."

Zhang Chengyao listened to He Chengyi. If he said that, he would almost scold the street, but his distant cousin was very easy to order people around. He had the attitude like everyone owe him money, Zhang Chengyao must have dug his family's grave in his previous life!

Bah bah bah! Isn't he the same ancestor as He Chengyi's family?!

Snort! Who made He Chengyi the jewel in the palms of the Zhang family and everyone in the He family! If Zhang Chengyao dared to go against He Chengyi, he would not only be greeted by his father, but also all the relatives of his Zhang family!

In the end, Zhang Chengyao reluctantly changed positions with He Chengyi, but he still gave Chu Yao a wink, "Sister Yaoyao, I don't know why I felt so kind to you when I first saw you. We have known each other in our previous life! We will sing K later, you sit next to me~"

Hearing what Zhang Chengyao said, the corners of Chu Yao's mouth couldn't help twitching... They did know each other in their previous life, but they had to call her Auntie! No matter how big or small, he dared to tease her! ! !

Chu Yao almost laughed angrily, okay?

But Chu Yao found it strange that since He Chengyi was also a generation behind her, she would not feel this embarrassing feeling at all. It is probably because He Chengyi is more serious and silent, and his mental age is far greater than his actual age. Anyway, when Chu Yao communicated with He Chengyi, it was very natural, without the feeling of thousands of generation gaps.

Chu Yao occasionally mentioned a few comments about the movies she watched recently, but He Chengyi didn't say much, occasionally nodded in agreement, and occasionally posted a few concise and unique comments, which greatly benefited Chu Yao.

Seeing the tacit chat between the two, Zhang Chengyao couldn't get in at all. He didn't mean to be boring, and chatted with Wei Hongying beside him about the plot of "Dynasty".

Chu Yao thought of the role played by He Chengyi in "Dynasty", and couldn't help joking, "The filming of "Dynasty" is about to start, are you interested in asking your mother to come and listen?"

He Chengyi felt that the cup in his hand almost trembled, he glanced at Chu Yao as if nothing had happened, and said softly, "Then you call brother to let me know."

Chu Yao heard that something was wrong, and He Chengyi took advantage of her, couldn't help laughing angrily, "You're two years older than me, so I should call you brother no matter what."

He Chengyi pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, revealing a not-so-obvious smile, "We've lost each other."

Chu Yao and He Chengyi As for the issue of seniority and address, they went back and forth again and again, causing everyone at the table to look at them.

Even Zhang Chengyao was very nervous, "Hey, Cheng Yi, you talk a lot today."

He Chengyi said calmly, "I heard that Uncle San is coming back from country M recently?"

He Chengyi's words are completely unreasonable. Zhang Chengyao, who is fearless, is most afraid of his father. It is simply that Zhang Jinyu has been living abroad for these years, because he is about to celebrate his 60th birthday and plans to return to China in the near future. Zhang Chengyao shuddered when he was reminded that his father was about to return to China, his affairs were to be exposed.

As long as Chu Yao is willing, there will be almost no silence in the place where she is. In just one meal, she got along pretty well with the other actors, especially Zhao Shuangxue. Zhao Shuangxue debuted as a child star. When Chu Yao was still Chu Yaoyao, she had cooperated with Zhao Shuangxue twice. At that time, Chu Yao liked the cute and smart little girl very much, and almost recognized her as her goddaughter.

The other heroine tonight is Qin Dan who is sitting opposite Chu Yao. Qin Dan made her debut under the name of the little "Chu Yaoyao". Seeing that Qin Dan had a three-point similar face to Chu Yaoyao in her previous life, Chu Yao couldn't help but look at her twice more.


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