The meal was quite enjoyable, after the meal Zhang Chengyao suggested going to the club next door to sing K.

Chu Yao, who never sang in tune, swallowed her saliva inexplicably. How can she be so guilty... If she opens her voice, she will definitely become a joke for the entire crew. But Chu Yao couldn't refuse, so she decided that she would just quietly be a supportive audience when she could sing K.

Next door is a high-end club, even the KTV boxes are decorated in a very stylish way, with super large space and super luxurious audio equipment, which can satisfy every Maiba's wish to be a singer.

What Chu Yao didn't expect the most was Zhao Shuangxue. Once she entered the KTV box, it was like diving into the sea, and it completely became her home. Zhao Shuangxue ordered two pieces of square dance music, her voice was high-pitched and clear, and her enthusiasm was like fire, which formed a strong contrast with her image of ice and snow beauty. Although square dance music does not have any artistic beauty, it is better at exaggerating the atmosphere and brainwashing.

Even Chu Yao could hum a few words after listening to it once.

Zhao Shuangxue heated up the scene, and the old and serious director Wei Hongying and the producer ran to occupy the microphone. They were all older, and their favorite songs were especially popular in the last century. As far as the style of music is concerned, the "old people" like Wei Hongying are far behind the young people by countless generations.

As an 'elderly person', Chu Yao listened to these songs with gusto. Listening to these familiar melodies, she seemed to be able to recall the days when she sang K with those superstar friends. Now most of these people have retired and become legends, and she and them have become parallel lines that will not intersect.

Chu Yao was paralyzed on the sofa with half of her body, drinking a cocktail that was not too strong. She should be able to drink well, but today she was a little drunk. The eyes are like misty water, separated by a hazy layer of smoke, it seems that there is no end in sight.

He Chengyi never participated in this kind of noisy entertainment, Wei Hongying was quite surprised that he agreed today. He relaxed on the sofa, half-closed his eyes and looked expressionlessly at Zhang Chengyao who was holding the microphone tightly, but he couldn't help looking at Chu Yao from the corner of his eyes.

Only half of Chu Yao's side face was seen, and the colorful halo hit her face, like the most memorable painting in fleeting years, mysterious and timeless. The eyes are slightly closed, and the slender eyelashes flutter slightly, like a butterfly in the wind, casting a row of faint shadows under the eyelids. The bridge of the nose is slender and straight, delicate and elegant.

Chu Yao seemed to be wearing pink lipstick today, her full lips were slightly curved with a light pink luster. A smile that is not a smile, always with a bit of intoxicating charm.

She came here wearing a coat today, the temperature in the box was quite high, and Chu Yao threw the coat away. She was wearing a V-neck knitted dress inside, and the opening of the V-neck was just right, revealing her slender neck and delicate and graceful clavicle line. That delicate and warm white is just like Chu Yao herself, gentle and intoxicating.

He Chengyi looked away, and couldn't help but loosen the collar of his sweater. He looked up at the heater blowing on him, and let out a long breath... The temperature in the box seemed a little hot.

Here, Qin Dan finished singing three pop songs that are now popular. When Qin Dan put down the microphone, she couldn't help feeling a little frustrated in her heart without the star-studded moon she had imagined. As one of the four popular actresses in the entertainment industry, Qin Dan is very popular and has good acting skills. In which crew is she not a star? Isn't everyone coaxing her?

But in the crew of "Dynasty", she became the existence at the bottom of the food chain again, which made her unable to help but think of the scene when she first entered the entertainment industry, and couldn't help feeling restless. Qin Dan's eyes fell on Chu Yao who was huddled in the corner, and smiled lightly, "Chu Yao, you are the only one who didn't sing tonight? Do you want to have a song? I'll help you choose a song."

Chu Yao who was directly called came back to my senses, she was a bit angry... Obviously He Chengyi didn't sing too? Qin Dan really knows how to pinch soft persimmons!

Chu Yao lightly picked her wavy hair, smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm out of tune, I don't want to poison everyone's ears."

Qin Dan smiled softly, "Don't be self-effacing. Didn't you sing the theme song of "Be Careful"? It's very nice. Didn't you win the KTV Ranking Awards before?" Qin Dan seemed to casually mention Chu Yao's famous work "Be Careful" is just a web drama produced at a small cost, which is completely different from the "Dynasty" they are about to perform. Qin Dan's words are killing two birds with one stone, both positively and secretly.

Chu Yao didn't take Qin Dan's words to heart at all. But she thought about it again, the original owner's voice was in very good condition, and even released an album.

Chu Yao thought about it, singing out of tune is not something to be ashamed of, so let's do it. So Chu Yao stood up, walked to the microphone, and smiled generously at everyone, "I'll say hello in advance, so you have to be mentally prepared~"

Qin Dan ordered Chu Yao the theme song of "Be Careful", "Be Careful, Secret love".

Chu Yao thought to herself that if they don't mind, she won't mind, anyway, it's not her own ears that are tormenting her. Chu Yao coughed twice, and as the prelude of the song sounded, she slowly brewed her emotions.

Zhang Chengyao praised the venue and whistled.

Zhao Shuangxue felt that Chu Yao's earnest expression was inexplicably charming, and couldn't help staring at Chu Yao with wide eyes.

Wei Hongying and Qin Song felt that Chu Yao practiced well, and she must be good at singing too. After all, she was beautiful and her songs were sweet, so they also looked at Chu Yao expectantly.

With an impeccable smile on Qin Dan's face, she looked at Chu Yao with harsh scrutiny.

Chu Yao still showed no timidity in the eyes of everyone, and sang, "That day, the breeze blew the broken hair on your forehead, and there was your refreshing smell in the air."

After Chu Yao sang the first sentence, the air in the box was inexplicable. There was silence for a few seconds...

Well, Chu Yao sang this song out of tune from the beginning to the end, probably only stepped on two words in a sentence of more than twenty words.

The smiles on everyone's faces couldn't hold back. It turned out that it wasn't Chu Yao who was being modest at all just now, but her singing was really out of tune and the magic sound pierced their ears.

Chu Yao looked at the reaction of the crowd with a suppressed smile on her face, thinking hey hey, if you want me to sing, I will sing~ Just as she was about to start the second sentence, just as she uttered a word, a low and pleasant male voice came from her ear, " Your eyes are brighter than gems; your smile is brighter than the sun. I like your hair, your smell; I like your eyes, your smile. Sweet taste."

The male voice was gentle and deep, like old wine, which made Chu Yao's voice control immediately intoxicated. With this voice leading her to tune her, Chu Yao also slowly followed the rhythm. Chu Yao's voice is sweet and charming, when she sings in tune, listening to her sing is simply a kind of enjoyment.

The male voice and the female voice cooperate very well, and the interpretation of this young love song is perfect. It can directly hit the soul and arouse the most touching longing in your heart.

"I will tell you quietly, I have liked you for a long time."

When the chorus finished the last sentence, Chu Yao breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and straightened her chest, as if it was the most exciting thing for her to sing a song completely. Something to be proud of.

Chu Yao hurriedly looked at He Chengyi, her eyes were shining, she looked at He Chengyi as if a feather was gently scratching her heart.

Chu Yao's face was flushed with excitement, and she said with emotion, "My God, I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would not sing out of tune, it's a miracle!"

He Chengyi, "..." Hoho, just be happy.

——In the middle of the night, Zhang Chengyao posted a short video on Moments. The subject in the video seems to be He Chengyi who is singing K. Even though it was released in the middle of the night, this circle of friends was still maxed out.

[Zhang Chengyu: My brother has been time-traveled? Hahaha I can't imagine him singing love songs with others! ]

[Shen Jiamu: F*ck, F*ck, F*ck! He Chengyi has a date without telling me! I don't believe it... But this young lady is so pretty! ]

[Zhang Chengqiao: It is recommended to delete it within five seconds, if Chengyi sees it, you may not see the sun tomorrow (gloating face)]

[Zhang Jinyu: Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night? !]


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