The day when Chu Yao promised He Chengyi to audition has come.

The quality of the film that He Chengyi will take on will not be low, and the configuration is even top-notch. The gold medal screenwriter Qin Song and the second gold director Wei Hongying joined forces to create a commercial blockbuster with large investment and production. Once this configuration is released, it will definitely have a high box office and high exposure. Such a piece of fat, of course everyone wants to come up and take a bite.

There are talks that the movie has invested more than 100 million yuan in service, let alone built a film and television city specially for movie services. This is a big deal!

The movie is called "Dynasty", and this time He Chengyi chose a film studio for the first time. The role of the second male villain will be played. The name of the character is Shen Ye. From the son of the concubine to the prince to the emperor, he is hypocritical, cunning, cruel, and will do anything to achieve his goals. The role Chu Yao came to audition this time is the role of He Chengyi's mother in the movie, the overwhelmed concubine Mrs. Yuzhu.

In the movie, Mrs. Yuzhu's appearance is peerless, and she is a dancer. When she was seriously ill, she refused to see the emperor because of her damaged appearance. Let the emperor keep thinking about it, so that he empathized, abolished the former prince, and made Shen Ye the prince. This episode also shows Madam Yuzhu's heart and nature.

Therefore, Madam Yuzhu has two requirements for audition actresses, one is good-looking, the second is to have a foundation in dance.

The location of the audition was set in the film and television city where "Dynasty" was filmed. Chenxing equipped Chu Yao with a high-end SUV, and Lu Xingzhou still served as her driver. This time, with the assistant He Park.

The film and television city has a rather large area, magnificent and majestic. It is said that after the filming of "Dynasty" is completed, it will be used as a tourist attraction, or it will be leased to other costume crews. 

Chu Yao also happened to meet two acquaintances, Hua Ning and Ren Bing, who were about to leave, and their expressions were worth pondering. Hua Ning's eyebrows were beaming, and he couldn't hide her pride. Ren Bing's face was expressionless, but when she saw Chu Yao, her expression immediately changed, as if she couldn't help but want to pounce on her and bite her, but she also seemed afraid.

Chu Yao and the two passed by, and the corner of her eye glanced over Hua Ning's body. This junior was the one who spread rumors on Weibo that she was assigned a role...Chu Yao couldn't help but click her tongue. 

Hua Ning seemed to feel something, and couldn't help shrinking her neck, her expression restrained a bit.

The audition took place in an antique room, and there were only Wei Hongying, Qin Song, and He Chengyi in the room. The first time Wei Hongying saw Chu Yao, she said, "You need to lose weight when you go back." 

The corners of Chu Yao's mouth twitched twice. Her current weight is thin in normal life, but it is not very thin on camera.

Screenwriter Qin Song explained with a smile, "Ms. Yuzhu has two very important dances in the movie, the palm dance and the drum dance. It is easier to shoot if the actor is lighter." Qin Song looked at Chu Yao's body proportions , nodded and smiled, "Your figure is very good-looking, and the picture should be beautiful when you take a picture... Can you dance classical dance?" 

But Chu Yao heard other meanings from Qin Song's words, how could she have the kind of Mrs. Yuzhu? The illusion that the role was predetermined by her?

As for classical dance, when Chu Yao was still Chu Yaoyao, she once filmed a movie called "Warring States", in which she played a dancer, dancing from beginning to end. At that time, she was already 25 years old when she took the film, and her bones were already set. She had no dance foundation at all, and she gritted her teeth and learned dance for a year and a half. She continued to dance until her death. 

So Chu Yao replied, "I can dance, but I haven't practiced it for a long time. The basic skills need to be practiced again."

"Let's do an impromptu dance."

Wei Hongying is a rather serious middle-aged man, he does things in a rigid manner, and looks very difficult to get along with. But Chu Yao knew that this person belonged to the type of tough outside but soft inside. She had cooperated with Wei Hongying twice before, and they had a good relationship in private. In the past, Wei Hongying was a handsome guy who would blush when he saw her, but now his white hair is showing, which made Chu Yao feel a little bit embarrassed.

Taking advantage of the gap when Chu Yao went to change clothes. Qin Song teased Wei Hongying and said with a smile, "Old Wei, why are you still so straight-faced? The little girl is frightened by you." As he spoke, he cast a teasing look at He Chengyi, and joked, "Be careful that someone will settle accounts with you."

But Wei Hongying said, "I think this Chu Yao is very courageous, how can she be afraid of me? She looks very good."

He Chengyi said abruptly, "The acting is very good, there will be surprises."

Wei Hongying stroked the mustache at the corner of his mouth, and finally smiled, "Of course I believe in your vision, otherwise, how could I have made such an appointment? My old Wei has never done such a thing, okay?"

He Chengyi shrugged as if he didn't care much, the corners of his lips curled slightly, "You will be grateful to me then." 

While speaking, Chu Yao had already changed her clothes and came out, dressed in a bright red dance dress, and came with light lotus steps. It seemed that since Chu Yao appeared on the stage, she had an indescribable romantic charm, and there were many kinds of charms in Gu Pan.

The delicate dance steps move slowly like light clouds, and the sleeves were lightly raised, like clouds. Chu Yao's movements were not proficient, but her posture was graceful, and her expression was even more seven-pointed. A look that came over by chance, the pupils were slightly raised, revealing the eyes that were full of autumn water, full of charm and tenderness.

Youdao is its shape, as graceful as a frightened bird, as graceful as a wandering dragon, with glorious autumn chrysanthemums and lush spring pine trees. It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun rising from the morning glow; when observing it by force, it is as bright as a flower coming out of Lubo.

Mrs. Yuzhu described it as better than Luoshen, but it also added a lot of charm.

When Chu Yao finished her movements, the other people present still hadn't recovered. Wei Hongying and Qin Song were amazed. He Chengyi looked at Chu Yao with a complicated expression, as if seeing other people through Chu Yao.

Qin Song joked, "Old Wei, you have dug a treasure this time!"

Wei Hongying was obviously very proud of himself, but he still had a somewhat troubled look on his face, and said after deliberation, "It's a so-so dance. The basic skills need to be strengthened. The production team specially invited a dance teacher, and you can come to the production team to report on strengthening the basic skills tomorrow."

Chu Yao didn't have any objections, and they chatted happily. Anyway, Wei Hongying and Qin Song watched Chu Yao leave in the end, with expressions that seemed they were very reluctant to part. 

Chu Yao and He Chengyi left the audition room together, Chu Yao suddenly asked, "Why is the role of Madam Yuzhu still undecided? I saw Ren Bing and Hua Ning when I came today." 

The corners of He Chengyi's lips curled up slightly, "Didn't you see it just now? Director Wei doesn't like anyone. In fact, screenwriter Qin is more obsessed with Yuzhu than Director Wei. Many people auditioned for this role, and he has never been satisfied with the candidate."

He Chengyi Suddenly stopped, Chu Yao also stopped inexplicably, and asked, "What's wrong?"

He Chengyi turned his head to stare at Chu Yao, his expression focused, and his voice was inexplicably gentle and low, "As for Ren Bing and Hua Ning, Didn't they say that you decided on a role by default? Then this time, you really decided to show them the role by default, making it hard for them to speak."

Chu Yao said in her heart... He Chengyi, a junior, really won her heart, she just likes that he's so shameless!

Chu Yao stretched out her hand and patted He Chengyi's shoulder, looking like a teachable child, "Young man, you have a great future!" 

They have a clear understanding of Chu Yao, with good looks, high EQ, and inexplicably strong fans. So there is also this live broadcast of Chu Yao, which not only clarifies the scandal, but also her first direct interaction with fans. Live broadcast location: Yihua Live. Live broadcast time: January 7th at 20:00 p.m


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