Chu Yao and He Chengyi started a swordsmanship on the Internet, and as a result, Chu Yao patted her ass and joined the group "Chang'an Moonlight".

"Chang'an Moonlight" is a weekly drama broadcast on the Internet and on TV at the same time, and the filming is also played while they are still shooting. The plot of "Chang'an Moonlight" has been greatly unfolded. After the heroine Jian Rong and the heroine Chu Yongyan have solved several major cases, it is the time when they meet and hate each other. As Jian Rong is discovered disguised as a man, Her identity as the daughter of Chu Yongyan's enemy also surfaced. The gloomy hatred in Chu Yongyan's memory is about to be uncovered, and the white lotus cousin Shuangbai in the memory also reveals the true face of Lushan.

And "Chang'an Moonlight" has been widely acclaimed because of its excellent production and ups and downs in the plot. Whether it is TV ratings or network hits are far ahead.

The popularity of Ren Bing as the female lead and Liu Changze as the male lead is soaring. The two have attracted a lot of CP fans in the "Yong Rong" CP in the play. Best screen CP.

The audience was very happy watching the emotional scene between Jian Rong and Chu Yongyan, wishing for the two of them to be sweet. One can imagine what kind of uproar would be caused if Bai Lianhua's cousin Shuang Bai appeared. Although the cousin must appear next to the hero first, the audience will not care about these things, and it doesn’t matter whether the cousin is dead or alive, as long as the progress of the relationship between the hero and the heroine is blocked, the audience will recognize her as the mistress.

So although Chu Yao picked up such a role for nothing, her situation is still quite embarrassing.

On the first day Chu Yao joined the crew, she first took a makeup photo. Compared with the dressing room and rest room that the TV station prepared for her during the filming of "Actor", the crew of "Changan Moonlight" obviously regarded her as an 18th-line actress. Chu Yao shared the dressing room with a group of cast and crew, and a novice makeup artist called Xiaomei helped her put on makeup.

There was a lot of noise in the dressing room, and there were even people smoking, making it a mess. This is what Lu Xingzhou saw when he came in, and the expression on his face immediately changed. No matter what, Chentian shouldn't treat Chu Yao like this.

Lu Xingzhou reconsidered Chentian Film and Television in his heart, and considered Chu Yao's future development.

But when Lu Xingzhou's eyes fell on Chu Yao, he saw Chu Yao sitting quietly in the corner without arrogance or rashness, as if she had opened up a world by herself. Lu Xingzhou couldn't help showing a gentle smile, walked to the side and sat down.

After the rebirth, Chu Yao paid attention to exercise and maintenance after taking the magic medicine of Interstellar. Her skin is fair and delicate, which can be said to be broken by blows. Compared with an eighteen-year-old girl, she is not too shy, and she can't be seen at all. 

Xiaomei put on makeup for Chu Yao again and again, muttering, "Sister Chu, your skin is so good."

"Sister Chu, what kind of fruits and skin care products do you usually eat? There is not a single pore on your skin??!" Xiaomei's tone was full of exclamation and praise.

Chu Yao hardly needs to use too many shadows and highlights on her face, because her face is already very perfect and three-dimensional, no matter from any angle, it is shockingly beautiful. Because the character of the cousin is a delicate and sick beauty, Xiaomei drew a curved and thin willow leaf eyebrow for Chu Yao, and the color of her lips was specially lightened.

When Chu Yao finished all the makeup and hair, and then came out in a blue skirt, the dressing room was immediately silent for a few seconds. Chu Yao seems to be born with this kind of charm, so that others can't take their eyes off her. When she enters a play and devotes herself to a certain role, she is a well-deserved queen under the spotlight.

Chu Yao has already interpreted Shuang Bai to the extreme just by pretending to be a person -

borrowing water to blossom into a wonder, and water sinking into bone and jade into muscle. Eyes containing autumn water, looking at flowers in the mist.

Chu Yao looked at them with only one pair of eyes, and it made people's hearts tremble, and made people's whole mind sink into it.

Xiaomei, as a loyal reader and current loyal audience of "Under the Moon in Chang'an", as a member of the "Yong Rong" CP army, she has never understood why Chu Yongyan gave up being with Jian Rong in the end, and why he has always been obsessed with her cousin. Seeing Chu Yao's appearance now, Xiaomei seems to have suddenly realized... If she were Chu Yongyan, she would also like her cousin.

Such a glorious person, even if she died, she would always remember her cousin in her heart for the rest of her life.

Xiaomei, who is a pure face control, thinks so. So she immediately put down the "Yong Rong" CP banner and joined the cousin camp.

The studio where the makeup photos were taken was not far from the dressing room. When Chu Yao appeared in the dressing room, the staff present were also stunned.

"Chang'an Moonlight" is one of the investors of Chentian Film and Television, so many staff members in the crew belong to Chentian. They have heard about the grievances between Chu Yao and Ren Bing for a long time. The gap between Yao and Ren Bing is like an egg hitting a rock. So for Chu Yao, a small 18th-line artist who is destined to be suppressed and hidden in the snow, they don't have much expectation.

After all, Ren Bing recommended Chu Yao to the producer to play Shuang Bai. This role is inherently unpredictable.

But when the staff in the studio saw Chu Yao's appearance, they knew that Miss Ren might have kicked the iron plate this time. At least in terms of appearance, Chu Yao will never lose. After all, this is an era of looking at faces.

The staff definitely believed that Chu Yao relied on her face for food, but when they were taking photos, they were slapped in the face so suddenly.

It turns out that Chu Yao does not rely on her appearance to make a living, but relies on her strength.

Chu Yao changed a total of five sets of clothes for the makeup photo shoot, and each look can express a different feeling, the simple and elegant, the weak willow Fufeng, the fairy-like, and the cute, no matter which side is attracted, she is very penetrating.

The most amazing thing is that Chu Yao's camera sense is surprisingly good, and the photographer can always capture her most beautiful side in the camera. Or bowing her head and smiling, or flicking the strings, or staring into the distance... It seems that there is really an illusion that Chu Yao is an ancient woman who walked out of the picture scroll, and her every move is full of charm and beauty.

A sense of absurdity arose in the photographer's heart at this time, even if he took random photos, he could take them out and use them directly.

The photographer couldn't help but wonder... According to Chu Yao's appearance and strength, how could she be reduced to where she is today? what a pity!

It was originally expected that the afternoon shooting of the fixed-makeup photo would be completed ahead of schedule, which shocked and pleasantly surprised the staff.

The photographer handed over the completed photos to the master of the post-production P-picture. The post-production brother Zhang You turned out to have rolled up his sleeves and was ready to do a big job. He has been in the industry for so many years, every time a picture of a P female star makes him vomit three liters of blood, either there are too many blemishes on the face of the female star, or the face is too stiff after plastic surgery, or it is because she has gained weight recently and looks unsightly on camera.

But when Zhang You opened Chu Yao's makeup photo, he was at a loss for what to do. Except for toning, Chu Yao's face had no blemishes at all for Zhang You to photoshop. The more Zhang You looked at it, the more it looked good, so he secretly saved a few pictures in his computer. Then he packaged the photos and sent them to the publicity without any post-production.

After Zhang You followed Chu Yao on Weibo, he admired some of Chu Yao's makeup photos. At this moment, he couldn't help but have a doubt in his heart... How could someone like Chu Yao not be popular before??? 


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