Lu Xingzhou's voice came from the phone, which was like magic voice piercing her ears, and Chu Yao immediately moved the phone away from her ears. She looked at the Weibo followers on her tablet computer, and it seemed that He Chengyi had already followed her.

"Brother Lu, to tell you the truth, I'm still thinking about how to hug He Yingdi's thigh today? I haven't done anything yet! He just stretched out his thigh for me to hug... Is it because I'm so cute?" Chu Yao said so shamelessly.

Lu Xingzhou's original enthusiasm was extinguished by Chu Yao's shamelessness, "Then I would rather believe that He Yingdi's hand is slippery."

Chu Yao argued, "Then he doesn't slip others, he just slips and pays attention to me... It still means that I am cute and charming~"

Lu Xingzhou was knocked out and said he had nothing to say.

Lu Xingzhou's performance is really not a big surprise, because there are many netizens who are more surprised than him on the Internet. He Chengyi's Weibo has grown grass since the application, and there are a total of two posts quietly lying on his Weibo. The first one is automatically generated by Weibo when applying for Weibo. The second Weibo is a short video, He Chengyi is playing the piano gracefully, and there are seven three-gold trophies on the piano. The time to post Weibo happened to be the night when He Chengyi won the Golden Forest Award.

Netizens left tens of millions of comments on that Weibo.

At the beginning, He Chengyi only followed Chenxing Entertainment and He Chengyi's Global Fan Club in his follow list. Later, after He Chengyi's friend Shen Jiamu asked for attention many times, He Chengyi's Weibo finally followed a group of friends in the circle. Of course, the Weibo follow is not done by He Chengyi himself, but Lin Sen, the trembling manager behind him.

Even so, the number of people on He Chengyi's Weibo follow list did not exceed 10. So when He Chengyi paid attention to Chu Yao, netizens immediately exploded. Crowds of netizens flocked to Chu Yao's Weibo, just to find out who this person He Chengyi is following is really.

This directly caused Chu Yao's Weibo fans to increase again and again, increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. From more than 4 million to 5 million, broke through 6 million, 7 million, and then rushed towards 8 million.

When netizens discovered that Chu Yao, the 18th line, first broke out today that she and He Chengyi were going to cooperate on a variety show, and then they were followed at night... This is the rhythm of becoming popular.

However, Chu Yao's identity could not withstand further digging. Six months ago, she was framed for meddling in the relationship between Ren Bing and Tang Mingyuan, and the black material was still hanging on the Internet. As long as the netizens have a little memory and search her name a little, all of Chu Yao's so-called scandals will come out.

#He Chengyi—attention# This topic immediately became the number one hot search topic, and the single hot search of #Chu Yao# entered the top three Weibo hot searches for the first time.

Chu Yao's latest Weibo post is all occupied by netizens who eat melons.

[Brother He's Fried Chicken: Girl, no matter what your relationship is with my actor... Please make him post more updates on Weibo!]

[Bing Yuan's life: Damn it! You stinky little three still dare to come out and jump! shameless! X Your mother's ancestors are eighteen generations old! Do you think that hugging the thigh of He Yingdi can make you white?]

[Peach Blossom Wine: The people who eat melons come to check in! Since you can cooperate with actor He, act well and don't be a monster.]

[He Jiajun No. 2: Since our Film Emperor He can pay attention to you, it means that your character is fine! Chu Yao, you look so good-looking! Come on~]

[Bingbing O'Neill: It's the b*tch Chu again! Forgot your black photo is still hanging in the square? Disappeared for half a year and now come out to be a demon again after plastic surgery? Your mother exploded! I wish your whole family a single account book!]


The fact that He Chengyi paid attention to Chu Yao not only became popular on the Internet, but also caused many murders in real life.

First of all, as He Chengyi's manager, Lin Sen was the first to bear the brunt. One night, he received many greetings from Chen Xing's senior management, friends and colleagues from He Chengyi's circle.

Lin Sen could only bite the bullet and answered countless times, "I didn't pay attention to it, but he himself paid attention to it...Maybe because after working with the little girl, he felt that she had a particularly aura and good acting skills, so he paid more attention to it, and wanted to support her." 

In the evening, the family members of He Cheng's family had a weekly gathering, and He Chengyi, who had always been a statue, was "forced to question" by everyone because of this matter.

He Chengyi has an older brother and an older sister. He follows his mother's surname He, and his elder brother and sister follow his father's surname Zhang. His elder brother Zhang Chengqiao is a playboy, the kind who lingers in the flowers without touching himself, and the rumors of gossip have never settled down. His second sister, Zhang Chengyu, is a workaholic by nature, wishing to live a day as if it were forty-eight hours. She has a boyfriend who has been in love for ten years, but she is not ready to enter the palace of marriage.

None of the three brothers and sisters in the Zhang family was a normal person. He Chengyi, who was slightly normal, still had a cold temper, and had zero calls and zero scandals with all women. This worried the Zhang family's parents.

Every good and warm family gathering turned into a marriage reminder every time, and the brothers and sisters of the Zhang family were miserable.

At the dinner table today, Zhang Chengqiao raised the topic first, and said with a pair of affectionate peach blossom eyes, "Oh, Chengyi, you made the headlines on Weibo today~ I heard that you followed an actress today?" Zhang Chengqiao elongated his tone, appearing particularly gossipy and ambiguous.

The parents of the Zhang family were immediately attracted attention, and Mother He asked with interest, "What's the name? Is the girl beautiful?"

Zhang Chengqiao smiled ambiguously, "It seems to be called Chu Yao, and it belongs to Chentian. The artist... She is so pretty."

Zhang Chengyu became excited when she heard the name, and gossiped excitedly, "Chu Yao? Why does this name sound familiar? Hey, I remembered it. A few days ago, Chengyi asked the make-up department Manager Wu to send a limited edition lipstick for Christmas... If I remember correctly, this is the first time Chengyi has done such a thing." At the end, Zhang Chengyu winked at everyone.

Mother He showed the pride of "my family has a child who has just grown up", "Chengyi has grown up, and sometimes he needs to tell his family members, our He family doesn't value the right family, as long as you like her, it's alright."

Mother He turned around, and asked in a somewhat eager tone, "When will you bring her back for us to see?"

It's all said and done, and the matter that hasn't been written yet has been discussed by his family. Said it seemed to be done. He Chengyi said helplessly, "Chu Yao and I have nothing at the moment. I only met her when I was recording a program a few days ago. She has aura and acting skills. I don't want cyber violence to hurt a good actor so much. I helped her... so don't think too much about it."

He Chengyi thought for a while and added, "Chu Yao just wants to act well now, so don't bother her."

Mother He, "... "

It doesn't matter for the time being...then maybe it will matter in the future? !

Zhang Chengqiao, "..."

Oh, it's so sweet. He didn't expect his younger brother's love affair to be so... romantic?!

Zhang Chengyu, "..."

So her good brother, cyber violence has half a dime to do with giving away lipstick?


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