
Showing posts from December, 2022


Chu Yao and He Chengyi started a swordsmanship on the Internet, and as a result, Chu Yao patted her ass and joined the group "Chang'an Moonlight". "Chang'an Moonlight" is a weekly drama broadcast on the Internet and on TV at the same time, and the filming is also played while they are still shooting. The plot of "Chang'an Moonlight" has been greatly unfolded. After the heroine Jian Rong and the heroine Chu Yongyan have solved several major cases, it is the time when they meet and hate each other. As Jian Rong is discovered disguised as a man, Her identity as the daughter of Chu Yongyan's enemy also surfaced. The gloomy hatred in Chu Yongyan's memory is about to be uncovered, and the white lotus cousin Shuangbai in the memory also reveals the true face of Lushan. And "Chang'an Moonlight" has been widely acclaimed because of its excellent production and ups and downs in the plot. Whether it is TV ratings or network


Lu Xingzhou's voice came from the phone, which was like magic voice piercing her ears, and Chu Yao immediately moved the phone away from her ears. She looked at the Weibo followers on her tablet computer, and it seemed that He Chengyi had already followed her. "Brother Lu, to tell you the truth, I'm still thinking about how to hug He Yingdi's thigh today? I haven't done anything yet! He just stretched out his thigh for me to hug... Is it because I'm so cute?" Chu Yao said so shamelessly. Lu Xingzhou's original enthusiasm was extinguished by Chu Yao's shamelessness, "Then I would rather believe that He Yingdi's hand is slippery." Chu Yao argued, "Then he doesn't slip others, he just slips and pays attention to me... It still means that I am cute and charming~" Lu Xingzhou was knocked out and said he had nothing to say. Lu Xingzhou's performance is really not a big surprise, because there are many netizens who ar


Christmas bonus chapters 5/5 ******** He Chengyi was called "cut" by the director because he forgot his words, and all the staff present were stunned. So the Film Emperor He also stumble sometimes? Even the director who called out "cut" looked confused, and he was also very desperate. He made a thousand bad guesses before today's shooting, and he never thought that today's first "cut" would be stuck in He Chengyi here. The director could only bite the bullet and say, "The atmosphere in the front is well rendered, and I will start shooting again from where it was cut off just now... Let's rest for a while." He Chengyi himself was not very embarrassed, his attitude was very natural. He said to Chu Yao, "I'm sorry for the play just now, but it's better to repeat the whole part just now... What do you think?" He Chengyi looked at Chu Yao seriously and waited for her answer, as if as long as Chu Yao Y


Christmas bonus chapters 4/5 ********* It was no surprise that He Chengyi refused to eat at the hotel. This kind of interpersonal relationship is a trouble for He Chengyi, instead of wasting time, it is better to discuss the plot with the heroine. The food specially ordered by the program group has a lot of dishes, and the ordinary staff are two meat and one vegetarian. Chu Yao and He Chengyi specially added dishes and desserts. He Chengyi's appetite is not very good. Assistant David has been working with He Chengyi for several years, and he has never seen what he likes to eat, and there is nothing particularly disliked. Compared with He Chengyi's image of a noble and unattainable nobleman in the hearts of movie fans, He Chengyi's private life is dreadfully monotonous. Not as energetic as a young man of his age, addicted to the Internet and games. He Chengyi's private life is still rigid and serious, like an ascetic monk practicing. No matter how late he sl


Christmas bonus chapters 3/5 ********** The interpretation of "Blind Man" by Lemon Satellite TV is still great. It restored the scenes in "Blind Man" almost one-to-one, giving Chu Yao the illusion of returning to the past. In order to restore the sense of the camera, the ancient costumes prepared for Chu Yao and He Chengyi were quite light and elegant. Now that the temperature outside was below zero, the two of them shivered uncontrollably after taking off their thick down jackets when they got to the set. Even though Chu Yao wore two pieces of thermal underwear, she was still cold after putting on several warm underwear. One of the disadvantages of shooting in winter is that the actors will produce fog when they speak, which will destroy the beauty of the scene. Therefore, when shooting winter scenes, actors sometimes put an ice cube in their mouths to alleviate this situation. Chu Yao has been in the entertainment circle for 20 years, and she is almost


Christmas bonus chapters 2/5 ********* On the day of the shooting, Chu Yao was in a very relaxed state, and she didn't feel tense that she was about to play with the big devil. Instead, Chu Yao's manager, Lu Xingzhou, looked quite anxious, not to mention he suffered from insomnia until midnight last night. Chu Yao could only soothe Lu Xingzhou's wounded heart with delicious food, and made fried egg dumplings for Lu Xingzhou's breakfast with the leftover dumplings made last night. Chu Yao developed her culinary skills a few years ago, so her cooking is quite delicious. Lu Xingzhou ate the love breakfast that Chu Yao made for him, and immediately threw away the emotions that shouldn't be there. All that was left was to admire the superb cooking skills, and even wanted to give Chu Yao a gourmet variety show on a whim. Arrived at the location where the TV station set up the scene. Chu Yao and Lu Xingzhou were 15 minutes earlier, and 15 minutes had passed by


Christmas bonus chapters 1/5 ********* When Lu Xingzhou came to the TV station to pick up Chu Yao, his steps were a little brisk. He asked with some uncertainty, "You really gave Miss Ren a PK? Are you really going to play with He Chengyi?" Chu Yao's eyes were watery, and she pulled a lazy and comfortable smile, "Really, it's better than pearls." Lu Xingzhou asked casually, "What script? Is it difficult? Do you want to find an acting teacher for urgent training." Chu Yao gave the script directly to Lu Xingzhou, "You can read it yourself." Lu Xingzhou took the script and looked at it, and he was stunned, "F*ck! "Blind Man"? The masterpiece of my goddess Chu Yaoyao? Who gave it to you? The script they chose has something against you, right?" Chu Yao smiled meaningfully when she heard Lu Xingzhou say that Chu Yaoyao was his goddess. She replied slowly, "He Yingdi gave it to him. He probably wants


Chen Yushuang glanced over Chu Yao and the the other two, with a gentle and tolerant smile on her face, and fine lines at the corners of her eyes, which made her feel even more uncomfortable. There seems to be a soft glow. Chen Yushuang has been able to stand still for so many years, and she still has a certain standard. Chu Yao on the stage felt that Chen Yushuang's eyes finally fell on her, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly. Sure enough, she heard Chen Yushuang say, "I decided to vote for Chu Yao in my hand, although she didn't have many lines in her final appearance, but being able to leave such a deep impression on me in such a short time, I think Chu Yao is worthy of being an actor." But when Chen Yushuang said the word "Chu Yao", her tone seemed to be divided. The faint hesitation and uncertainty were captured by Chu Yao. Chu Yao smiled and narrowed her eyes, the two people beside her were about to explode wi


He Chengyi is only 24 years old this year, but he is already the youngest actor in the entertainment industry with three gold medals. He Chengyi is not only the top actor in China, but also has fans all over the world. Whether it is box office appeal or personal salary, He Chengyi has already squeezed into the top ranks in the world. He Chengyi obviously has a top-notch face, but he never takes the route of fresh meat. Everyone in the circle knows that He Chengyi is good at everything, but there is one bad thing, that is, he strives too hard for perfection, so all the people who have worked with him are miserable. He Chengyi has never participated in so-called variety shows. Fans and audiences can only go to the cinema if they want to see him. Unfortunately, he only makes two movies at most in a year. So this time when it came out that He Chengyi was going to participate in the recording of the first episode of "Actor", his fans went crazy as if they had been beaten to deat


In Lemon Satellite TV’s backstage rehearsal room, before entering the door, Chu Yao briefly talked about today’s news in the group. After the work schedule, the holographic live broadcast function was turned on. Early in the morning, the group completely exploded—— [The Most Handsome Actor in Interstellar Allen]: I was super sleepy when I went to bed in the middle of the night last night, but when I went online, I saw Chu Yinghou, and I immediately cheered up! [Chu Yinghou leg pendant Zhao Xiaomei]: Wuwuwu goddess is indeed my goddess! It's pure makeup! Super pretty~ [Here is the most handsome Zhou Taotao]: Is the actress coming to act today? The stars are looking forward to it, take a small notebook and take notes! …… When Chu Yao entered the rehearsal room, no one came except for the camera crew of the TV station. The staff handed Chu Yao the script, Chu Yao turned a few pages, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows. This script is too bloody.