It was late at night but Wei Hongying was still reviewing the storyboard script.

Suddenly his WeChat vibrated twice, Wei Hongying saw that there was movement in his WeChat group, and his old partner Wu Hao sent a few messages. The people in this wechat group are all close friends of Wei Hongying who have worked together for many years. The more than a dozen people of top directors, screenwriters, photographers and actors in the film industry formed the group.

[Wu Hao: Madam Yuzhu's makeup photo! ! ! ! Amazing! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ]

Countless exclamation marks were enough to show the excitement in Wu Da's photography at this time. Wu Haolian posted several photos in succession and swiped the screen of the WeChat group.

Wei Hongying knew that Chu Yao was good-looking, and the video of her audition was still in his computer. But when Wei Hongying opened the fixed makeup photo, there was still a sense of amazement, especially in Chu Yao's Mrs. Yuzhu with heavy makeup, which made people hold their breath and give birth to a sense of admiration!

It's impossible not to mention being excited, Wei Hongying's hands shaking while holding the phone excitedly.

[Wei Hongying: Hoho, if it isn't because of my good eyesight!]

[Qin Song: Wow! Wow! Wow! My goddess Mrs. Yuzhu looks like this, she is magnificent and perfect! ! ! ! ! ]

[Qin Song: @Chen Ran, when will Chen Yingdi come back? How do you feel about your Mrs. Yuzhu? ]

Chen Ran, who was hit by Aite, did not answer, and the group praised Chu Yao's appearance again. Just when everyone thought he was asleep, Chen Ran finally bubbled up in the group.

[Chen Ran: I just arrived in country R, ​​and I plan to stay here for a week, and return to the country after taking pictures of the snow. ]

[Chen Ran: Is that Chu Yao? Very nice.]

When Wei Hongying saw Chen Ran mention Chu Yao's name, he couldn't help feeling a little sad... The three characters Chu Yaoyao represented the most glorious era in the entertainment industry, the most magnificent superstar. No one would have thought that such a beautiful person would leave so suddenly, and her death also took away the hearts of countless people.

Not to mention Chen Ran, who is Chu Yaoyao's fellow apprentice, even Wei Hongying often takes out Chu Yaoyao's classic movies, and the more he watches them, the sadder he feels.

Tonight was destined to be a bitter night full of long memories for some people...


Xu Nuo is a full-time writer who turns upside down day and night. His usual entertainment is watching movies and loving all kinds of gossip. Among the various types of movies, he prefers commercial films with big scenes. Wei Hongying is Xu Nuo's favorite director of Chinese commercial films.

Xu Nuo was paying special attention to Wei Hongying's Weibo, so when Wei Hongying posted a Weibo update, Xu Nuo immediately received a reminder. Wei Hongying is an unconventional director of commercial films. He doesn't need a lot of gimmicks to attract fans and audiences. As long as Wei Hongying makes a movie, it has its own box office foundation.

So the content on Wei Hongying's Weibo is very ordinary film reviews, some experience sharing at work, and promises that sometimes following Wei Hongying can often find some good-looking movies that are not popular. As soon as Wei Hongying posted a post tonight, Xu Nuo clicked on the post immediately.

To Xu Nuo's surprise, this time Wei Hongying actually posted a photo with no beginning and no end. The woman in the photo has gorgeous makeup and is dressed in red, showing her coquettish charm to the fullest. Xu Nuo, this otaku, prefers the sweet and lovely Lolita Faner, but this time when he saw this Yujie Faner who is full of aura, he actually fell in love at first sight.

Xu Nuo took a closer look, isn't the protagonist of this makeup photo really Chu Yao? Xu Nuo had just become a fan of Chu Yao before, because of the role of the cousin in "Chang'an Moonlight", Shuang Bai's pitiful look is particularly attractive to fans. Xu Nuo originally thought that Chu Yao could only follow this style, but he didn't expect Chu Yao's charming performance to be more moving.

Xu Nuo swore that the more he looked at it, the more he thought it looked good, and he immediately reposted Wei Hongying's Weibo. It was clearly already midnight, and there were still many people actively replying on Xu Xu Weibo.

[Medium Cup Latte: Nuonuo, we agreed to be single together, but you fell in love with another dog!]

[High-tide blush: Hey, isn't this Chu Yao? Kneeling and licking beauty prosperity! Yaoyao is going to cooperate with Director Wei?! I have great expectations ! !]

[Pork belly: F*ck, it's so beautiful! I'm going to be broken! How can there be such a beautiful woman in red! ]

[Daily update Wanzi: F*ck! Chu Yao's makeup photo is simply domineering, is she playing the concubine or the queen this time? Looking forward to it!]

[Single dogs have no friends: Director Wei's new movie "Dynasty" was invested by Chenxing... Does that mean that the new company that Chu Yao signed with Chenxing? ?]

If Xu Nuo and Wei Hongying's Weibo post was just a joke, then when He Chengyi reposted Wei Hongying's Weibo post, it would really set off a huge storm on the Internet.

[He Chengyi: Looks good, looking forward to cooperation. @Chu Yao//@Wei Hongying: stills ~ interpreting what is called a country and a city.]

He Chengyi's performance this time is what it means to be a blockbuster! Film Emperor He had a Weibo for several years. Usually his Weibo grows grass quietly, but this time he came directly with a big move, which caught all the melon-eaters by surprise.

Even though it was already midnight, there were quite a few night owl netizens. In less than a minute, He Chengyi's Weibo had more than 10,000 retweets and comments, and it immediately climbed up the popular Weibo and trending searches.

[The little kitten of He Yingdi's house: One day I can see the actor in the room posting on Weibo, and even typed six words and two punctuation marks, almost thought it was an imitation!]

[Lifetime: F*ck me, I can't see, it's actually a living actor He! Long time to see, I hope the actor in the room will continue to keep up the speed of blogging!]

[Crowd eating melons: Chu Yao is going to cooperate with Film Emperor He? The speed of this ascension is too fast! It is worthy of being backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade! 】

[Promise to have you: @Chu Yao, happy cooperation~ I hope that Chu Yao can monitor our film emperor to post more on Weibo!]

[Innocent: Hahahahahaha, I thought Chu Yao was going to be sprayed to death! I didn’t expect the comments below to be quite friendly~]

In the middle of the night, Lin Sen, who had already fallen asleep, was suddenly woken up by the phone call.

Another bunch of people asked Lin Sen about this Weibo:

"Chengyi took the wrong medicine recently? Didn't he really fall in love with that Chu Yao?!"

"The Weibo just now was about Chu Yao. Did you post it? It must be! The He Chengyi I know would not do such a thing!"

"Does he know that you use He Chengyi's Weibo to post Weibo? Lin Sen, you have become more and more courageous recently!"

" ..."

And so on, Lin Sen thought that He Chengyi's account had been hacked, so he quickly got up from the bed in fright. After looking at the content on Weibo and the style of the painting, he immediately confirmed that it was indeed the work of his own actor. Looking at the time of posting on Weibo, it was 2:15 in the morning... He Chengyi, who has always adhered to the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, actually stayed up in the middle of the night!

Lin Sen rubbed his chin, feeling that he was close to the truth.

Ever since He Chengyi got to know Chu Yao, his understanding of He Chengyi had been completely overturned, and Lin Sen had gradually become a scapegoat! Hmph, this group of bad friends of He Yingdi didn't dare to look for He Yingdi in the middle of the night, so they came to harass him!

Lin Sen also has dignity, okay?


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